American Climate Corps Tour Updates

Updates from the American Climate Corps social media accounts.

The American Climate Corps is hitting the road this fall, and coming to a city near you! From the shores of Maine to sun-soaked of Arizona,  this tour will be shining a spotlight on ACC teams and members making real change. 

From supercharging energy efficiency in homes to restoring coastal habitats, and deploying clean energy solutions  — ACC members are out there shaping the future. Many ACC members are also members of The Corps Network. Throughout the tour you may see familiar faces as the ACC travels to Corps like PowerCorpsPHL and GulfCorps.

Get ready to see firsthand the incredible work of the ACC! Check here for updates from the ACC’s social media accounts. 

October 10, 2024: New Mexico (Rocky Mountain Youth Corps – NM)

American Climate Corps visits Rocky Mountain Youth Corps New Mexico

The ACC team has been out visiting Rocky Mountain Youth Corps in New Mexico for the past few days, and they got to hear a little bit about the day-to-day life of the ACC members! See their post here

October 8 – 9, 2024: Minnesota

The American Climate Corps heads to Minnesota! They explored Duluth, Cloquet, and St. Paul and teamed up with Minnesota GreenCorps!

American Climate Corps in Minnesota

In Cloquet, they were hosted by the Fond du Land Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. They participated in a roundtable with a host of American Climate Corps partners working in and around Duluth. Members are focused on protecting streams from road salt, hosting bike repair events, and inviting Duluth residents to share what environmental solutions are important to them.

From there, the ACC headed to a research site with the US Forest Service where they learned about their efforts to protect Black Ash forests, which are culturally important to Indigenous tribes in the area and essential to Minnesota’s ecosystem.

They then joined Saint Paul Public Schools for National Bike, Walk and Roll to School Day! They had so much fun helping students get to school, working in the school garden and learning more about low carbon transportation.

This tour stop was led by Minnesota’s GreenCorps, an American Climate Corps partner, and program that is focused on preserving and protecting Minnesota’s environment while training a new generation of climate and environmental leaders. They have 58 members in this year’s cohort who are serving in positions all across the state. See the ACC Facebook post here.

September 28, 2024: Washington, D.C. (Student Conservation Association)

The Student Conservation Association (SCA) hosted an exciting National Public Lands Day volunteer event at Fort Dupont Park, part of our ACC Fall Tour. Volunteers took action in four different hands-on activities: two dedicated litter cleanup crews, a team working hard on trail maintenance, and another focused on battling invasive species. It was a day of community, care, and conservation! See ACC Instagram post here

September 22, 2024: Philadelphia (PowerCorpsPHL)

American Climate Corps with PowerCorpsPHL

The ACC tour was inspired as they toured American Climate Corps sites in Philadelphia. PowerCorpsPHL is making a real impact by equipping its members with the skills needed for promising careers in clean energy, green infrastructure, and community-focused fields.  They met four AmeriCorps alumni who have transitioned into full-time roles with the Philadelphia Water Department—an inspiring example of the program’s success in action! See post here

September 19, 2024: Alabama (GulfCorps)

American Climate Corps visits GulfCorps

Yesterday, the ACC tour was in Alabama meeting members of GulfCorps and learning about their incredible work. GulfCorps stretches from Florida to Texas and focuses on restoring and protecting the Gulf’s land and waters while creating jobs. See ACC post here

September 12, 2024: Maine 

American Climate Corps in Maine

First stop on the American Climate Corps Fall Tour: Maine!

The tour group had powerful conversations with ACC members, policy makers and local climate leaders about what matters most to them and their environment. It’s inspiring to see firsthand how local action drives real climate solutions.

Highlights from the visit: 

  • Examining coastal erosion and its impact on dunes and beaches
  • Learning about urban forestry initiatives aimed at increasing tree cover in low-income neighborhoods
  • Monitoring Portland’s flooding for better preparedness and response

See ACC post here


CPAT Impact Story: Stones River National Battlefield Cemetery Restoration

 Adapted by Emma Fantuzzo from a report written by Ilana J. Smith, SCA Crew Leader, with approval from the Student Conservation Association. 

About the CPA Team:

With support from the National Park Foundation, the Corps Project Assistance (CPA) Team was created in 2022 by The Corps Network to aid the National Park Service (NPS) in scoping and creating cost estimates for facility-related projects at small and medium-size parks across the country. These parks often lack the staff capacity and funding to undertake the work on their own. The projects, which are funded through the Great American Outdoors Act, are meant to be carried out by crews consisting of NPS staff and Service and Conservation Corps members.

The CPA Team has scoped projects across the country, several of which have been completed. Among other locations, the finished work includes historic preservation projects at Camp Nelson National Monument, Andrew Johnson National Historic Site, Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Park, and Stones River National Battlefield.

Stones River National Battlefield (STRI) Cemetery is one of fourteen National Cemetery sites the National Park Service manages. Partnering with the Student Conservation Association (SCA), the site was cleaned and restored to maintain the sanctity of this historic resting place.

About the Project:

SCA Members at Stones River National Battlefield

SCA members worked with staff from STRI to preserve and renovate the site to be more accessible for future generations. Over the course of two months, the team cleaned approximately 800 headstones of Civil War and World War I and II soldiers. They also made ADA compliance renovations to the walkway for the Hazen Brigade Monument, the oldest Civil War monument still standing in its original battlefield location. In addition, the team was able to assist with smaller maintenance projects, including removing invasive Kudzu and Honeysuckle.

Through the project, the SCA team learned the history of the site and its significance to American History and the liberation of African Americans from slavery. Within the cemetery lay the remains of several members of the United States Colored Troops, Union Army regiments during the Civil War that primarily enlisted African American soldiers. The Stones River battle was instrumental in bringing the Union to victory and the region became a place where persons freed from enslavement settled down. As SCA Crew Leader Ilana Smith noted, there is a sign only 100 yards from the Hazen Brigade Monument acknowledging a post-Civil War freed person community called Cemetery that developed near the battlefield.

Conservation Impact:

The purpose of SCA’s work at STRI was to maintain the NPS lands at the battlefield. The project expanded to include maintenance of the main cemetery, renovation of the monument pathway, and removal of invasive species. Other conservation efforts included the removal of trash from a storm that had taken place a few months prior, and building 60 feet of cedar fencing.

Some of the crew’s accomplishments in numbers include:

  • Approximately 800 headstones at main cemetery cleaned
  • Approximately 72 feet of walkway around Hazen Brigade Monument renovated and improved
  • 20 feet of cedar fence built at the parking lot of Fortress Rosencrans
  • Approximately 40 feet of cedar fence re-built on the west side of Nashville Highway
  • Approximately 883 invasive plants (Honeysuckle and Kudzu) manually removed
  • 100 pounds of trash removed

Corpsmember Impact:

The SCA crew took several field trips to gain a better understanding of the history and community in the area. This included trips to historic Civil War sites, local farms, and several museums. This helped the crew build an appreciation for the work they were doing and how it affected the people of the community.

Several Corpsmembers took the opportunity to speak with NPS staff about their careers and explore future career opportunities. Three of the members became UTV certified which helped the team to more efficiently complete work. All members gained more skills in construction and maintenance. One Corpsmember noted, “I feel like we are walking away from Stones River with not just professional connections, but with friends and mentors too.”

Impact Story: Breyonna Conner, Tabitha Corps Chester

By: Emma Fantuzzo

Breyonna’s Background:

Most people associate Service and Conservation Corps with outdoor work, manual labor, and conservation. Breyonna Conner, a student at Newman University and the first member of her family to not only graduate high school (at the age of fifteen nonetheless), but also attend college – thinks differently. For Breyonna, her Corps experience with Tabitha Corps Chester allowed her to explore her passion for the medical field and gave her valuable hands-on experiences that she believes can be applied to any profession.

Breyonna grew up in Chester, PA. Ever since she was a kid she has been interested in medicine.

“I would always read medical books and watch medical shows…I really wanted to go into the medical field,” she says.

During her second year of college, while studying Biology Pre-Medicine and Spanish, Breyonna learned about Tabitha Corps Chester when the Corps handed out fliers in her neighborhood.

“I decided to join, just to try something new.”


Corps Experience:

Breyonna’s Corps term was her first job experience. While the work focused on green infrastructure, stormwater maintenance, and community clean-ups, Breyonna notes that her biggest take-aways were job readiness, resume writing, teamwork, and workforce development.

Breyonna worked with the Chester Asthma Prevention Program to help clean up neighborhoods that were at high risk for asthma due to illegal dumping and pollution.

“We cleaned up these areas in hopes that asthma rates would go down but to also help our community, protect the environment, and improve the quality of life for local residents.”

Breyonna speaks of the gratitude of the people living in the areas she helped to clean and how touched she was to be able to contribute.

“The happiness that you get from seeing the work that you’ve done make a positive impact in the city is very rewarding,” she said.

Breyonna mentioned a particularly impactful project, “When we first arrived at the clean-up site, there were no kids playing on the playground because there was trash and drugs everywhere. After we cleaned up the playground, for the next two days that we came back, we saw all the kids in the neighborhood playing on the playground.”

As a result of her Corps term, Breyonna was able to apply for an internship and scholarship at one of Tabitha Corps Chester partners, Monroe Energy.  The internship was medically focused and allowed Breyonna to work with a nurse practitioner.

She says, “This was a good experience that allowed to me to see if I enjoyed working in the medical field and also helped me figure out what specialty I would like to pursue.”

Breyonna is also currently working on a research study with two Doctors, focusing on neurological diseases. This was also an opportunity that stemmed from participating in Tabitha Corps Chester.

Looking Forward:

In the future, Breyonna dreams of creating her own Corps program with a medical focus. She wants to help students explore the medical field and its many different facets while gaining hands on experience, like she was able to do with Tabitha Corps.

Breyonna plans to attend medical school and would like to become an emergency room physician.

She believes that Corps can help youth step outside their comfort zone.

“Even if you aren’t going into something specifically geared to green infrastructure, the skills that you learn can be applied anywhere, not just to that specific field.”



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Materials from The Corps Network 2024 Member Meeting

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CPA Team Impact Story: Abraham Lincoln Birthplace NHP

By: Emma Fantuzzo

About the CPA Team:

With support from the National Park Foundation, the Corps Project Assistance (CPA) Team was created by The Corps Network to aid the National Park Service (NPS) in scoping and creating cost estimates for facility-related projects at small and medium-size parks across the country. These parks often lack the staff capacity and funding to undertake the work on their own. The projects, which are funded through the Great American Outdoors Act, are meant to be carried out by crews consisting of NPS staff and Service and Conservation Corps members.

Over the past two years, the CPA Team has scoped projects across the country, several of which have been completed. The finished projects include historic preservation projects at Camp Nelson National Monument, Andrew Johnson National Historic Site, and Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Park

We talked with Scott Powell, Facility Manager and Acting Superintendent of Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Park, about his experience working with Corps and the impact he saw on the Corpsmembers.

Q: What was the project the Corps worked on and why was this work needed?

Scott: This project was focused on the replacement of 2,000 Linear feet of deteriorated split rail fencing found throughout the landscapes of Abraham Lincoln Birthplace NHP. These fences were in an advanced state of deterioration and by replacing them provided a restoration of the park’s historical appearance, significantly improving the preservation of cultural and natural resources as well as the visitor experiences in the park. The project was taken on by a crew of five Corpsmembers and a Crew Leader from American Conservation Experience.

Q: Why is the park partnering with a Corps program to complete this project and what are some benefits to the park?

Scott: The park partnered with Corps to not only address the issues with the deteriorated fence that was identified in the park’s Cultural Landscape Report but also to provide Corpsmembers the opportunity to learn. Corpsmembers gained knowledge and skills of things like, operational risk management, the use of hand and power tools, split rail fence construction, carpentry, and understanding of the history of NPS and Abraham Lincoln Birthplace NHP, and the purpose of land management agencies.
Completion of this project successfully addressed the need for the restoration of a more historically accurate cultural landscape. Replacing the deteriorated fence with new split rail improved the look of the site requiring much less maintenance for many years. This project aligns with Park’s Foundation Document in that it supports the presentation of a cultural landscape as it appeared when first constructed and provides an opportunity for visitors to immerse themselves in that period of history.

Q: What were some highlights of the partnership that you observed?

Scott: Seeing the impact on Corpsmembers was my biggest highlight. Most of the Corpsmembers had never seen a split rail fence, much less removed and installed a new one in its place. It was a highlight to see these youth engaging with their hands to build something that will affect this park and its visitors for years to come. The park leadership was also able to schedule a meeting with the Corpsmembers to discuss our career paths and ways that a person can start a career with the NPS.
It is my hope that each Corpsmember took away the importance of teamwork and how to rely on other members of their team to accomplish goals. I would also hope that the members understand the importance of our nations National Park’s and their historical resources and have a better understanding of the NPS mission.

Q: Was this your first Corps collaboration and what would you like to see out of future collaborations?

Scott: This was not the park’s first time working with the Corps. The park has utilized Corpsmembers to perform maintenance on trails, help build a rip rap drainage in the park. It is always a pleasure to work with the Corps and engage with its members. The park hopes to utilize the Corps in the future by working on one of the backcountry trails or even being part of replacing the remaining split rail fence in the park.
I think that other parks looking to work with Corps should make it happen. Engaging our youth while working with the Corps to rehabilitate historical assets and landscapes is vital not only to the future of NPS but also to the future of the United States of America.

Corps Oral History: Dana Stein

By: Emma Fantuzzo

About the Corps Oral History Project:

The Corps movement dates to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) of the 1930s – ‘40s. The CCC offered young, mostly white, men the opportunity to work and earn money during the Great Depression. The “CCC boys” planted billions of trees, built hundreds of parks, and established a legacy of conservation across the country.

While the CCC certainly provided a framework for modern Corps, it wasn’t until the 1970s and ‘80s that a new, more equitable, and ever-evolving Corps movement began to emerge. This oral history project gathers insights from the dreamers, innovators, and leaders who made today’s network of Service and Conservation Corps possible.

Dana’s Background:

Dana Stein, the executive director of Civic Works, has been an influential member of the Corps world since the early 90s when he read about City Year, while working as a lawyer. Intrigued by the idea of Corps programming and the potential it had, Dana reached out to the National Association of Service and Conservation Corps (NASC), the predecessor of The Corps Network, for information on the Urban Corps Expansion Project. He also connected with Kathleen Kennedy Townsend who at the time was working on service-learning issues in Maryland. As Dana put it, “Long story short, she and I founded Civic Works, and we opened our doors in 1993. I quit practicing law and have been running it ever since.”

Over the years, Dana credits his various mentors from, San Francisco Conservation Corps, Montgomery County Conservation Corps, and City Year, for Civic Works’ success. He notes that the Corps community understands the importance of helping each other’s programs thrive – something that nonprofits in other sectors don’t always have the benefit of.

Today, Dana continues to serve as executive director of Civic Works, a Corps that has grown exponentially in size and program capacity. Civic Works performs not only Service and Conservation Work such as installing solar panels, mitigating stormwater runoff, and building parks, but also operates a school, providing secondary education opportunities for students in the Baltimore area. Civic Works serves as an inspiration for the potential that Corps, and Corps leaders, can achieve.

Dana’s Insights:

Q: What was the Corps Community like when you started?

Dana: It was certainly smaller. It was proportionally more focused on conservation. I think over the years there’s been a recognition of greater needs in different areas. There’s been a diversification of the types of issue areas that Corps have worked on. The key point of the timing for Civic Works, and I know for other Corps, was when AmeriCorps was started. AmeriCorps was signed in 1993, and then we became an AmeriCorps program and AmeriCorps was, I think, significant in providing startup funding. It helped prompt a lot of new Corps to get going.

Much of the DEI work that has happened, has happened in the past five years. But nonetheless, I think that the Corps was evolving in that direction and certainly has accelerated in the past five years. It is increasingly important work. Even before 2020, we had worked with consultants in DEI space. There’s a local group called the Association of Black Charities and we hired a consultant from there to make recommendations for improving our DEI policies. We just recently completed a consultancy with another expert in DEI work and made a series of recommendations. So Civic Works is taking those recommendations and is going to incorporate them into our practices. We are also implementing them into our strategic plan, which has a DEI focus. We have work to do, but we are hopeful that we will continue to make progress. 

Q: What types of programming does Civic Works participate in?

Dana: Some of what we do might be considered urban conservation. We do some landscaping; we do urban farming which has a positive impact on green space. But a lot of our work is what you would consider to be service work. For example, I mentioned we have a high school, so we have probably 20 members that help the school by doing different things. We’ve done a lot of food distribution work. Probably 15 years ago we expanded to include working with older adults, helping them age in place through home repairs as well as social service work.

We’ve also expanded to do a lot of energy conservation work and now we’re doing more in terms of renewable energy through low-income solar installations. Traditionally, Civic Works has done more service as opposed to conservation work, but we work a lot in climate mitigation. Climate is the future. Long term, where Corps will be called upon to help and provide critical value, that’s in climate resilience.

Q: What would you say is your vision for the Corps movement as a whole?

Dana: Some of what we do might be considered urban conservation. We do some landscaping; we do urban farming which has a positive impact on green space. But a lot of our work is what you would consider to be service work. For example, I mentioned we have a high school, so we have probably 20 members that help the school by doing different things. We’ve done a lot of food distribution work. Probably 15 years ago we expanded to include working with older adults, helping them age in place through home repairs as well as social service work.

We’ve also expanded to do a lot of energy conservation work and now we’re doing more in terms of renewable energy through low-income solar installations. Traditionally, Civic Works has done more service as opposed to conservation work, but we work a lot in climate mitigation. Climate is the future. Long term, where Corps will be called upon to help and provide critical value, that’s in climate resilience.

Q: What would you say is your vision for the Corps movement as a whole? 

In the past couple of years, we’ve seen the accelerating impact of climate change. At the same time, there’s been growing efforts at the federal and state level to reduce emissions and limit the impact of climate change. So, I think the Corps will be called upon and well suited to respond to the need to try to mitigate these impacts. This can be done through more widespread adoption of energy efficiency efforts; installing energy efficient light bulbs, water reducing devices in homes, and more extensive weatherization.

We can also help with stormwater impact. We can’t do big storm water mitigation projects, but in localized areas we can help through rain gardens and other landscape practices that will reduce the very local impacts of stormwater and help cities be more resilient to heat. Civic Works is also developing a resilience hub through a state grant which will enable residents to have a place to go to charge their phones and cool down in the case of widespread power outages.

This all circles back to the original mission of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). The CCC was known as the tree army, they planted three billion trees. At the time, it wasn’t called green infrastructure like we call it today, but when you think about ways to offset heat, especially in urban areas, it’s planting trees and adding green spaces. Corps like California Conservation Corps are already doing climate work like fighting wildfires, and in Louisiana, Corps help with flooding and storm surge. So, the work is already being done, but my hope is that on a more widespread basis Corps will be utilized.

Q: This year is the 90th anniversary of the CCC, is there anything else you would like to add on how Corps carry out its legacy?

You know, when we first got going, I connected with a CCC alumni chapter. About 30 years ago there were still a decent number of CCC alumni around. We brought the alums out to talk to our former members about the impact that the Corps has. The benefits of the Corps in the 1930s were largely like today. A lot of the benefits came from working on a team, from working on community projects, and learning new skills. So similar were the issues discussed, it was striking, but it also speaks to the resilience of the Corps model.

Of course, today’s Corps has improved on the CCC. The CCC was segregated, today we are striving to make progress in terms of diversity. We have also improved in our ability to respond to different needs, especially service aspects. We have expanded outside of just conservation work.

We also have room for improvement; I think there’s a role for us to be adopters of technology, not just in terms of our administrative efforts, but in terms of Corps, day-to-day operations.

Q: What impact have you seen on Corpsmembers because of their Corps experience?

We have sector-based training programs, one of them is called our Utility Infrastructure program in partnership with the local utility (Baltimore Gas and Electric) and they partner with us in providing training that will lead to jobs with their gas and electric contractors for maintaining their system. We had the CEO of the utility come in and talk with 30 trainees from a couple different classes. After the presentation, the dialogue from the trainees indicated how the program has had a big impact on their lives already. When someone finishes the program, they’re 95% likely to get a job with a living wage. It has the potential for changing their life trajectory and helping them to enter a career path.
It’s always great to hear and it reinforces that the model we’ve had in place for a long time and have built on over the years, works.
Corps work has a huge impact on communities. It has opened my eyes to things I would never have known about or learned about in terms of issues in communities. It’s been life changing for me, I’m very happy I stumbled across that article about City Year, years ago. It is incredible all the different things that have come out of it.


Public Lands Corps Guides for Forest Service Partners

Many organizations in The Corps Network’s membership are Public Lands Corps (PLC). These are programs that partner with government resource management agencies and Tribal entities to help maintain and improve our lands and waters. Young people who serve in PLC programs and meet a set of requirements are eligible to receive the Public Lands Corps Hiring Authority, which can help them secure a job with a federal resource management agency upon completing their service. 


The U.S. Forest Service recently provided the following guides to Public Lands Corps partners. Among these resources  is a PLC Implementation Guide for Forest Service Partners, which discusses PLC eligibility requirements, PLC certification issuance process, and points of contact in the Forest Service. Also included is a Public Land Corps Resource Guide for Participants, which discusses eligibility requirements, how to request a PLC certificate, and more. Last is a resource on How to Request PLC Certifications. 

Questions about these resources can be directed to Kelsey Chun, Program Specialist at USFS:


Public Land Corps Implementation Guide

Public Land Corps Resource Guide

How to Request PLC Certifications



Corps Oral History: Andrew Moore

By: Emma Fantuzzo

About the Corps Oral History Project:

The Corps movement dates to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) of the 1930s – ‘40s. The CCC offered young, mostly white, men the opportunity to work and earn money during the Great Depression. The “CCC boys” planted billions of trees, built hundreds of parks, and established a legacy of conservation across the country.

While the CCC certainly provided a framework for modern Corps, it wasn’t until the 1970s and ‘80s that a new, more equitable, and ever-evolving Corps movement began to emerge. This oral history project gathers insights from the dreamers, innovators, and leaders who made today’s network of Service and Conservation Corps possible.

Andy’s Background:

Andrew Moore was introduced to the Corps movement in 1987 when he joined the Human Environment Center (HEC) as a staff member. At the time, HEC served as the fiscal agent for The Corps Network’s predecessor, the National Association of Service and Conservation Corps (NASCC).

“At that point, we had about 40 programs that we knew of around the country. Many of them were statewide programs, there was a tiny spattering of local programs. So that was the beginning, back in ’87.”

Andy went on to work with NASCC for the next 15 years in various roles. In 1988 he staffed a partnership with Public/ Private Ventures called the Urban Corps Expansion Project which set out to build on examples in places like Oakland, San Francisco and LA, to plant Corps in at least 15 cities around the country. Several of these start-up Corps are still active, such as the Greater Miami Service and Conservation Corps.

In the 90s, building on the momentum created during the Bush administration, the Clinton administration brought more attention and resources to National Service with the creation of the Corporation for National Service. During that time, Andy, still working with NASCC, worked on federal agency partnerships and funding flows for Corps.

“We set the wheels in motion beginning in ’93 and ‘94 for increased partnerships between Corps and the National Park Service and to some degree the Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife, and other federal agencies. NASCC took another major step by applying successfully to the US Department of Labor support welfare-to-work “Corps to Career” projects with several member Corps… That was right around 2000, at the peak time of funding for youth employment from the federal government. It’s never been the same since.”

In 2002, Andy left NASCC and began consulting with Corps on strategic planning and partnership development. This led him to begin consulting with the National League of Cities where he currently works as the Director of Youth and Young Adult Connections. Andy continues to look for ways to utilize and expand Corps work.

Andy’s Insights:

Q: What was the Corps Community like when you started? How has it changed?

Andy: If I go all the way back to ’87, the leaders in the Corps world were largely people who had experience in that Jimmy Carter era of the Young Adult Conservation Corps programs at the state level. In the latter half of the 1980s and first half of the 1990s and I think especially through the Urban Corps Expansion Project, we were able to create leadership roles for more people of color, for women, and just really start to diversify what the leadership in staffing of the Corps world looked like.

I think there have been discussions and debates over time about who can best benefit from participation in a Corps. I’d like to think that emphasis on providing opportunities for young people who had less opportunity starting out is a big emphasis in the Corps world. The Corps Network is a major participant in ongoing policy support for opportunity youth, so I am glad to see that. Even the Corporation for National Service has come around after many years of resisting our role in employment and training to embrace that under the current leadership.


Q: Where do you think the Corps movement is headed and what could be improved going forward?

Andy: I’m still interested in, and this goes back to when we started doing training in urban stream restoration 30 years ago – thinking about young people, wondering what Corps can do to strengthen ties with employers or demonstrate that they are really delivering young people credentials and experience that will pay off well in public or private sector jobs after they leave the Corps. I’m imagining that there is still work to do to tighten up the connections. I know that it is difficult work. So that’s one area.

Despite the growth of federal funding and federal partnerships, I think there’s so much need for more Corps. There is a huge population of opportunity youth, five million across the country, and a lot more young people should have a Corps experience. There’s a long way to go to be operating at the scale that we need to be operating.

Sitting where I do at National League of Cities, I’m not sure that we have really maximized the potential for Corps to work with cities. I think the relationship between PowerCorps and the Philadelphia Water Department is a good model of mutually beneficial relationships…as I’ve talked to Corps in recent years, I have the sense that cities are not always welcoming partners and that there are legal barriers in place, and I wish we could do more to break those down and make sure that Corps and cities are working together.

NASCC Staff in 2000, Andy third from left

Q: What do you feel is the effect Corps have on young people’s lives?

Andy: First is the connection to local projects and being able to go back to a site and say, “I contributed to this, I did this.” Second, I think there’s something for crew-based Corps. Strong team identification, and the ability to really connect with a mentor and a crew supervisor. That can pay a lot of dividends. Best case, a chance to complete or advance your education in a way that’s grounded in the actual work experience so that it feels relevant and creates a sense of forward momentum in terms of credentialing and so forth. And creating a consistent source of income, even if small scale. It gives young people on that track the opportunity to earn money.


Q: Do you have any stories from your experiences that you’d like to share?

Andy: In Montana and Arizona we had to go through a couple of rounds to get it right, to get to a structure that would work in each of the states. To have the Corps working in huge geographic areas, a lot of rural space and population concentration, a lot to figure out in terms of how to make a Corps work in those states. Unlike California, which always has forest fires and disasters that contribute to the need for the CCC, those states have been somewhat more insulated from those disasters so they had to figure out working relationships and funding flows that would work. It was gratifying to work alongside them. I was there as an advisor, trying to bring in ideas from other places to help tighten up their thinking, so those were great experiences working in those two states, and both of which as I understand still have a lot of Corps activity.

I wish the Corps community the best. I wish I had more time to connect with people I’ve met over time. Always eager to hear stories of success and challenges and standing ready to help add momentum to the successes and work through the challenges.

Corps Oral History: Bruce Saito

By Emma Fantuzzo

About the Oral History Project:

The Corps movement dates back to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) of the 1930s – ‘40s. The CCC offered young, mostly white, men the opportunity to work and earn money during the Great Depression. The “CCC boys” planted billions of trees, built hundreds of parks, and established a legacy of conservation across the country.

While the CCC certainly provided framework for modern Corps, it wasn’t until the 1970s and ‘80s that a new, more equitable, and ever-evolving Corps movement began to emerge. This oral history project gathers insights from the dreamers, innovators, and leaders who made today’s network of Service and Conservation Corps possible.

Bruce’s Background:

Bruce Saito has dedicated the past 47 years of his life to Conservation Corps and is currently Director of the California Conservation Corps (CCC). Bruce grew up in Los Angeles and graduated from San Francisco State University with a degree in Art. His history with the Corps began in 1977 when he was hired to a supervisory position with the CCC. As he put it, “I started my career and never looked back with the Conservation Corps movement.”

Bruce has had a huge impact not only on the CCC but also on the Los Angeles Conservation Corps, which he helped establish in 1986. His work has influenced modern Corps across the country and helped usher in the Corps movement as we know it today. More recently Bruce served as the president of the California Association of Local Conservation Corps and as president of The Corps Network’s Board of Directors. Bruce was awarded The Corps Network’s Corps Legacy Achievement Award in 2014.

“[The Corps] has been a great pleasure and a kind of obsession of mine. It’s amazing.”

Bruce’s Insights:

Q: What was the Corps community like when you started?

Bruce: When I began in 1977, Governor Jerry Brown modeled the CCC a little bit after the Civilian Conservation Corps, but a lot more inclusive. The Civilian Conservation Corps was all boys, men, and it was segregated at that. I think this governor was intent on not only diversifying but being more inclusive. There have been times where the CCC has been probably 30 or 40% women and I think we’re constantly trying to improve. Back then we were coming after the Vietnam War, so the world was upside down.

There was always, especially in California, a strong commitment to the environment. In the 1970s there was a great need for employment of young folks. People wanted to go to school, but some also wanted to serve their communities. So that kind of convergence of doing the natural resource conservation work was still a great need. You know this is the time of Woodstock. The message back then, and still is, is the ability to serve your community, to develop those skills and experiences and at the same time do something good for the environment.


Q: What would you say has been the biggest change you’ve seen since you began?

Bruce: What’s changed I think is how we approach young folks and the message that really resonates with folks to get them to make that commitment. I’m still trying to figure out post-pandemic, what really motivates young folks. I still think that it doesn’t matter which generation you’re from, we’re looking for that little spark in each person that they want to really contribute, they want to pay it forward.

The environmental issues might change from 40 years ago – maybe it was water, and then it was clean air, and now it’s certainly climate – but it’s all related to the environment.  I think that’s not been a change, but something that’s been consistent. Some of the venues change, some of the priorities change, but the constant is this commitment to the environment.

Bruce Saito with Mary Ellen Sprenkel and Derrick Crandall at The Corps Network Board Retreat, August 2023

Q: What do you think is the future of the Corps movement and what would you like to see happen in the future?

Bruce: I might just be drunk on the notion of the Corps movement, but I see the movement continuing. I see it not only continuing but expanding because, again, those basic issues will remain constant. There are peaks and valleys. When we had the 2008 recession, and every time there’s recession for the world, state, or community, our recruitment increases. Then when things are great, we hit a valley but it’s still consistent where there’s always going to be young folks who want to serve, that want to do something good for the environment. So, I think the future is only going to get bigger and stronger, despite technology.

For us, the future is strong because our priorities don’t waver as much as some of those one-and-done companies. We’ve been spending many years on climate. There was a period, 20 or 30 years ago, where Service and AmeriCorps, in President Clinton’s administration, was big. And then that changed with administration. But we still have AmeriCorps. I think it’s because some of those AmeriCorps programs stay abreast with the changing times. And so, I think again the future is strong, but it’s critical for all program innovators to keep changing with the times. Especially now. I think with climate change people are looking to help.


Q: How does California Conservation Corps help to mitigate climate change?

Bruce: This is a good example of where we’ve adapted and changed. We’ve traditionally built trails, planted trees, developed parks, and we’ve always responded to emergencies: fires, floods and agricultural events, and the like. About 10 years ago, maybe even more, we helped pass legislation to do energy efficiency audits and retrofits at schools. That legislation ended after about five years. And now the CCC gets a small portion of the CCC’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. So, we have about 125 young folks who are doing energy efficiency audits for public buildings and nonprofit groups and then they’re turning those audits into energy efficiency retrofits.

In recent years, besides us doing energy efficiency, building audits, and retrofits, we’re now doing solar installation and electric vehicle charging stations to go with the flow and stay ahead of California eliminating all gas guzzling vehicles by 2030 or 2035.

We’ve also done a lot in fuel reduction to prevent catastrophic fires, which in turn keep carbon in the ground and in the trees. And we try to do a lot of reforestation and tree planting projects.

Q: Could you share a little bit about what you think the impact of the Corps is on young people’s lives?

Bruce: That’s one of the proudest areas that I’ve got to experience. More than 130,000 young folks have come through the CCC and that’s a cool thing. I’d like to say that many of them we’ve helped, and I hear from them that we’ve changed their lives.

Developing, progressing, and making their life better… I think that’s what we do each day. We ask young folks to bust their butts every day. We have six crews or about 80 young folks doing levee repair where there was once a dry lake, which now looks like an ocean because of last winter’s severe flooding.

Those folks are working. They get up at five, they’re at the site by seven in the morning and they don’t leave the site till five or later at night.

The crew will be out there for at least 10 days and maybe 13 or 14 days in a row. And they’re dividing the crew work up, but they’re filling 7,000 sandbags a day. So, the number just kind of blows your mind…a crew of 15, they split up and they’re filling sandbags. They’re shoveling and filling sandbags for a full day. And it’s backbreaking labor, intensive work, but it’s also monotonous and it’s like ‘Oh my gosh.’ – And that’s just the first day.

How do you sustain that? You’ve got to really build on that sense of purpose with the young folks that you’re saving property, you’re saving lives by restoring and shoring up this levee. And it may not seem like it at three o’clock in the afternoon when you’re sore and you’re on your seventh day out there and it’s hot outside, but you know, you do it. Because you know that you’re really doing something of great value.