
SRCC celebrates 30 years at 17th Annual Breakfast on the River Event

Press Release issued by the Sacramento Regional Conservation Corps

The Sacramento Regional Conservation Corps’ (SRCC) 17th Annual Breakfast on the River Event Celebrating 30 years of serving Sacramento’s young adults, ages 18 – 25 was held on Friday June 6th at Discovery Park where the Sacramento and American Rivers merge.

Guests visited interactive display booths show casing the paid work experience projects and education and training the corpsmembers receive while working on projects that benefit the community.  They heard success stories from four SRCC Alum and two current Corpsmembers were awarded the Corpsmember of the Year Award.  One from the Sacramento Main Center and one from the SRCC’s City Citrus Heights Satellite.

The Sacramento Regional Conservation Corps is Sacramento’s largest education and paid workforce training program for young adults.  Established by the Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, the SRCC has been empowering young adults through opportunities for education and paid work experience for three decades.  The Corps currently serves Sacramento, Yolo, El Dorado, Placer and eastern Solano Counties enriching lives and benefiting the Region.

Buy a Father’s Day Gift through Amazon and Help Support The Corps Network!

To celebrate Father’s Day, from now through 6/15/2014, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate an extra $5 for each customer who makes an eligible purchase at in support of The Corps Network. This is in addition to the regular donation of 0.5% of the purchase price. 

Click here to get started: 

Thanks and have a great Father’s Day!

The Corps Network

Our Staff Visits Florida Corps as part of Effort to Develop Gulf Coast Restoration Corps

Staff members from The Corps Network, including Vice President Marie Walker and Gulf Coast Restoration Corps Director of Development John Hosey recently had the privilege of visiting two members of The Corps Network in South Florida. Their time with Community Training Works, Inc. and Greater Miami Service Corps was a refreshing reminder about all the great work our network members are doing across the country making a difference in their lives of in the communities where they serve.

Community Training Works, Inc. crews work out of a number of locations across the state of Florida. Our staff members were pleased to get to know Chris Butler and his crew working in the Ft. Lauderdale area.  The crew work for the local Department of Corrections and Department of Transportation repairing and installing security fences as requested. You don’t have to be around these young men long to see the difference this program has made in their lives. When asked why he choose this program, Chris said, “I want to provide a good living for my wife and children and I always wanted to find a place I could learn a trade and have a future.”

The Greater Miami Service Corps is also making a big difference in the lives of dozens of young adults every day. They have teams that work across the Miami-Dade County area on projects that are as diverse as the members themselves. The teams are made up of intercity youth (18-26) who come from a variety of culturally diverse backgrounds. Many of the members attend classes and earn a high school diploma and/or a degree from the Miami-Dade Community College system.

The Corps Network (TCN) wants to thank these wonderful Corps programs for all their hard work and accomplishments. Their success is based on a number of ingredients that come together to make something special. One of these special ingredients are the program directors and support staff. They dedicate countless hours and energy towards helping young adults succeed and find a productive place in their local communities.

As TCN continues to develop plan for creating the Gulf Coast Restoration Corps, John Hosey is traveling across the region introducing existing corps programs to the GCRC project. This visit to south Florida was such an effort as John and Marie met with the Directors for both programs. “We are always looking for ways to include existing Corps programs in our plans to start the Restoration Corps in the Gulf Region. This visit allowed us to see successful programs in action and identify some of their best practices that may be replicated in the new Corps” commented John Hosey.  

Mission Accomplished! Historic Stables in Shenandoah National Park Restored by 1st HOPE Crew

Photos by The Trust for Historic Preservation and The Corps Network

On Wednesday, June 4th, members of the first HOPE Crew participated in a ribbon-cutting event at the historic Skyland Stables, where they had recently completed a variety of projects to restore the stables. Corpsmembers seemed immensely proud of their work, and the skills they had gained. Some even had bonded with horses, and planned to visit them again for a ride over the summer (Sugarfoot the horse seemed to have been particularly fond of the Corpsmembers).

The historic preservation project was made possible by a large number of partners, including The Trust for Historic Preservation, Delaware North, Citizens Conservation Corps of West Virginia, Harper’s Ferry Job Corps, Shenandoah National Park, and The Corps Network. Leaders from each organization attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

In addition to the earlier article about the project featured on, an article on covered the story. Enjoy the before and after photos below and we look forward to additional HOPE Crew projects having similar levels of success.



Mary Ellen’s Blog: Graduation Rate, Not the Dropout Rate

June 5, 2014

It’s graduation season! High school seniors across the country can celebrate the completion of 12 years of essays, tests and projects. They can rejoice in knowing that, with a diploma in hand, their futures are bright. After all, every graduate is one step closer to a college education, a good job and independence.

Unfortunately, not every student makes it to graduation. Though the dropout rate has declined over the past decade, it still hovers around seven percent. For minority populations, the situation is even bleaker; nearly one in two minority students does not graduate with his or her classmates. Lacking a high school diploma or GED means fewer options in the workforce and limited opportunities to earn degrees or credentials that could lead to higher-paying jobs. The sad truth is that dropping out of high school can mean a lifetime of struggling to make ends meet. Even sadder is the fact that many students who leave school don’t leave because they’re “lazy” or caught up in the wrong crowd; it’s because they feel like they don’t have any options.

Civicorps – Oakland, CA

Out of the approximately 7,000 students who dropout every school day, there are many young parents who need to work to support their families. There are teenagers who have no homes and no support network. There are many students who are new to this country and don’t receive the ESL services they need, as well as students who could benefit from one-on-one attention, but get lost in the shuffle. In other words, there are hundreds of thousands of very smart, capable young adults who choose or need to leave high school. These individuals are full of potential – they just need to have access to the right opportunities.  

Corps offer an alternative. Young people who enter a Corps without a high school diploma or GED have the chance to go to school while also developing tangible job skills. Corpsmembers attend class for part of the day, or part of the week, and then go out into the community to gain hands-on work experience by participating in service projects. For their service, Corpsmembers receive a stipend and often earn scholarship money. Essentially, the Corps model allows young people to make money while furthering their education.

Conservation Corps North Bay – Marin County, CA

Corps generally offer smaller class sizes and more personal attention. Most programs also have onsite counseling staff or relationships with local organizations that can help students with everything from transportation costs to mental health services and childcare. Not to mention, there are dedicated staff members at many Corps programs who were once Corpsmembers themselves; they understand and can accommodate the kinds of issues their students deal with outside the classroom.  

Last year, out of nearly 26,000 young people enrolled in programs of The Corps Network, nearly 60 percent came from families below the poverty line and some 30 percent were not in school and lacked a high school diploma or GED upon enrollment. These young people bring different, often additional, challenges than your average high school student, but Corps offer ways to ways to work with these challenges. The facts speak for themselves: in 2013, of the 10,500 young people who entered Corps without a high school credential, nearly 60 percent received a high school credential during their Corps enrollment, or enrolled in another diploma or GED program. Additionally, Corpsmembers earned nearly 12,600 professional certifications or credentials.

Education doesn’t end after a Corpsmember receives his or her diploma. Many Corps provide comprehensive college preparation and support students throughout their transition to postsecondary programs. Some programs have relationships with local community colleges, allowing students to pursue a postsecondary degree while continuing to serve at the Corps. As said by Candace Washington, a graduate of Civicorps in Oakland, CA who is currently enrolled in college, “I started the Corps without a diploma. I believe that just being able to be a part of Civicorps has made me stronger, helped me better serve my community, and has opened my eyes to all possibilities. My journey does not end here; this is just my stepping stone…I plan on graduating five years from now with my Masters in Psychology and starting my career. I am going to jump over any obstacles that may come my way.” 

So during this graduation season, let’s not think about the dropout rate; let’s think about the graduation rate. Let’s focus on the positive and think about ways we can get more young people in cap and gown. Corps are one way to do that. 

Information on The Corps Network’s Great Outdoors Day of Service in the Nation’s Capital


The Corps Network is hosting the FIRST ANNUAL Great Outdoors Day of Service in the Nation’s Capital!

In recognition and celebration of Great Outdoors Month, The Corps Network (TCN) will hold its first annual Great Outdoors Day of Service in the Nation’s Capital.  We would be honored if you would join us for all or part of the day.

  • When:  Friday, June 13, 2014, 11am – 4pm
  • Where: FDR Memorial – We will convene at the FDR Memorial on the National Mall
  • What:  The kick-off event, designed to inspire the group and get everyone into the spirit of service in the great outdoors, will feature several prominent speakers and showcase a number of innovative and successful service projects on public lands. 

                        Interior Secretary Sally Jewell (likely)
                        NPS Director Jon Jarvis (invited)
                        CNCS CEO Wendy Spencer (likely)

Following the kick-off event, Corpsmembers and volunteers will receive boxed lunches and be transported to work on a variety of service projects on the National Mall, at Fort DuPont Park, and other National Park Service sites throughout the District.  Please join us for this event! 

Despite the short notice, we are hoping to get representation from as many Corps across the county as possible.  Please consider attending the Day of Service with several or many of your Corpsmembers.

We’ve already received confirmations from

  • Harpers Ferry Job Corps
  • Earth Conservation Corps
  • Groundwork Anacostia
  • New Jersey Youth Corps of Phillipsburg

For additional information, please contact:
Mary Ellen Sprenkel
President & CEO
The Corps Network
1100 G Street, NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 737-6272

or Click here for The Corps Network’s GO Month Toolkit 

Can’t Come to D.C.?
Follow the Great Outdoors Day of Service on social media:

  •  Use the hashtag #dayofservice
  •  Share your posts with us @TheCorpsNetwork
  •  Follow the Day of Service on The Corps Network’s Facebook page

Sample Tweets or Facebook posts:
On @TheCorpsNetwork #dayofservice, @CORPSNAME is removing invasive species #GreatOutdoorsMonth [attach photo]

Today we celebrate @TheCorpsNetwork #dayofservice by fixing a trail at XYZ Park #GreatOutdoorsMonth [attach photo]

For @TheCorpsNetwork #dayofservice, we celebrate our corpsmembers and the chance to #getoutdoors and serve. [attach photo]

A Photo Collage for Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell

After receiving a photo from Mile High Youth Corps with Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell from last week’s announcement of 21st Century Conservation Service Corps grants, we thought “Wow! Secretary Jewell really has visited with a large number of Corpsmembers and Corps staff nationwide.”

Based on our count, in only slightly over a year in office, Secretary Jewell has already met Corpsmembers from a total of 20 different Service and Conservation Corps programs! (See the list below) She has also spent time with youth and Corps completing service projects.

As a token of appreciation, we pulled together all of our photos from her visits to Corps and public lands, as well as photos from the FDR Memorial and The Corps Network 2014 National Conference. We hope you enjoy the collage. If you want to share it, we posted it on Twitter and Facebook.

1. Urban Corps of San Diego County
2. Rocky Mountain Youth Corps
3. Kupu / Hawaii Youth Conservation Corps
4. EOC Fresno Local Conservation Corps
5. CiviCorps
6. Southwest Conservation Corps
7. Northwest Youth Corps
8. California Conservation Corps
9. Conservation Corps Minnesota and Iowa
10. New Jersey Youth Corps of Phillipsburg
11. Earth Conservation Corps
12. DC Green Corps
13. Montgomery County Conservation Corps
14. Student Conservation Association
15. Conservation Corps North Bay
16. Utah Conservation Corps
17. Mile High Youth Corps
18. EarthCorps
19. LA Conservation Corps
20. Montana Conservation Corps

USDA Newsletter Story Highlights How Deaf Montana Conservation Corps Member became Forest Service Employee

In the USDA’s April newsletter, the agency highlighted Joanel Lopez’s participation in the Bridging Cultures Conservation Corps program that was launched by Montana Conservation Corps and Region 1 of the U.S. Forest Service.

It’s a fantastic example of how “the program is great for people from diverse backgrounds and cultures to face dealing with different perspectives.” The digital version of the story can be read on page 3 of the linked PDF.



Earth Conservation Corps founding Board Member honored

On Wednesday, May 21, Mary Ellen Sprenkel, President and CEO, and other TCN staff joined Earth Conservation Corps staff, current and alumni Corpsmembers, city and national officials at a dedication ceremony for a bridge named in honor of Ethel Kennedy, founding Board Member of Earth Conservation Corps (ECC).

Speakers included DC Mayor Gray, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Attorney General Eric Holder and U.S. Senator Steny Hoyer.  For over 22 years, Mrs. Kennedy’s engagement with ECC has helped others appreciate the can-do spirit of Anacostia youth and focused an entire city on the restoration of the River. Corpsmembers presented Mrs. Kennedy with white roses along with their stories of transformation and growth through their experience with the Corps. Attorney General Eric Holder’s speech can be read online here.

Before the presentation, ECC members demonstrated for the media how they are cleaning up the Anacostia River.

The Corps Network Thanks President Obama for Designation of Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument

Photo of Organ Mountains via White House’s Instagram Account

On Wednesday, President Obama announced that he would use his authority under the Antiquities Act to designate a 500,000 acre area of New Mexico known as the Organ Mountains and Desert Peaks as a National Monument. Jeri Clausing of the Associated Press writes that, “New Mexico Sens. Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich, both Democrats, had proposed legislation to protect the region that includes popular hunting areas and features steep rock outcroppings, petroglyphs, ancient lava flows and sites such as Billy the Kid’s Outlaw Rock, Geromino’s Cave and the Butterfield Stagecoach Trail.”

The Corps Network and twenty four of its member organizations have issued a thank you letter to President Obama and also to Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell. A PDF of the letter can be accessed by clicking here, and the full text is published below. 

Full Text of The Corps Network’s Letter to President Obama:

May 21, 2014

The President
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500


Dear Mr. President:

On behalf of Service and Conservation Corps across the country, we write to thank you for your recent action to protect the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks as a national monument.

Although the nation’s 100+ Service and Conservation Corps are diverse in mission and membership, we all strive to improve quality of life for our participants and in our communities.  From building trails and campgrounds on our nation’s iconic public lands, to creating and caring for urban parks and gardens, to improving the energy efficiency of low-income housing, to helping communities prepare for and recover from disasters, Corps provide communities with valuable services and participants with the job training, academic programming, leadership skills and more, to improve lives and the environment.

It is this dedication to the betterment of future generations that leads us to strongly support your recent action to create the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument.  Protecting these pristine public lands will help to secure recreational opportunities for local communities and encourage more Americans to spend time in the great outdoors.  This will help boost local economies, support public health, and inspire future generations to embody the conservation ethic we all hold dear.

We also want to thank and recognize Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell for her tireless leadership on behalf of Service and Conservation Corps.  Her support of the 21st Century Conservation Service Corps has been extraordinary, and her recognition of the importance that land conservation policies play in furthering the missions of Conservation Corps everywhere is integral to our future success.

Thank you again for acting to protect the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks, and we look forward to seeing other special landscapes protected in the future.


Mary Ellen Sprenkel, President and CEO
The Corps Network
And the undersigned Corps


Rocky Mountain Youth Corps

Taos, New Mexico


YouthWorks Santa Fe

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Conservation Legacy

Durango, Colorado


Environmental Stewards

Durango, Colorado

Southwest Conservation Corps

Salida and Durango, CO and Acoma Pueblo, NM


Western Colorado Conservation Corps

Grand Junction, CO

Arizona Conservation Corps

Tucson and Flagstaff, AZ


Great Basin Institute / Nevada Conservation Corps

Reno, NV


Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission, Fresno Local Conservation Corps

Fresno, CA


San Francisco Conservation Corps

San Francisco, CA


Sequoia Community Corps

Visalia, CA


Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa

St. Paul, MN



LaCrosse, WI


American Youthworks

Austin, TX

Vermont Youth Conservation Corps

Richmond, VT


The Work Group

Pennsauken, NJ


Citizens Conservation Corps of West Virginia

Beckley, WV


Southeast Youth Corps

Chattanooga, TN


Limitless Vistas, Inc.

Orlando, FL


Greater Miami Service Corps

Miami, FL


Honolulu, HI


Juneau, AK


Los Angeles Conservation Corps

Los Angeles, CA


Northwest Piedmont Service Corps

Winston-Salem, NC