SESSION DESCRIPTION: The financial well-being of young people serving in Corps is a key area of focus for Corps organizations. Exacerbated by the economic turbulence created by the pandemic, financial well-being is one of the largest barriers young adults face when serving. Before The Corps Network’s National Conference in March, join us and the Aspen Forum for Community Solutions for a 2-part, virtual pre-conference workshop that will introduce young leaders’ perspective on financial well-being. Young leaders from across the country will join Mike Swigert, co-author of the Aspen Forum’s October 2022 report Financial Well-Being and Wealth Building for Opportunity Youth in this conversation. They will explore the possibility of guaranteed income programs, wealth-building strategies like entrepreneurship, and how to develop financial capability in young people through new partnerships.
This workshop conversation will examine findings from the report co-authored by speaker Mike Swigert and cover financial well-being and wealth-building initiatives for opportunity youth. Additionally, the pre-conference workshop will shed insight into several directions to better integrate strategies to cultivate financial capability in young adults. The second part of this workshop conversation series will be held during TCN’s National Conference and will dive deeper into the report’s findings while continuing discussions from the first workshop.
Participants will gain an understanding of promising approaches to advance financial well-being for opportunity youth, including guaranteed income, youth entrepreneurship, and embedding culturally relevant financial capability development into existing programs. Participants will be energized to build new collaborations and partnerships and leave with some resources to explore further. Join the conversation and see what role you can play.
- Introduce young leaders’ perspective on financial well-being
- Share approaches to advance financial well-being for opportunity youth, including guaranteed income, youth entrepreneurship, and embedding culturally relevant financial capability development into existing programs
- Provide insight and resources on several directions to better integrate strategies to build financial capability in young adults.