
Sequoia Community Corps Receives Grant for Used Oil Recycling Program

Article appears in Sequoia Community Corps July 2014 Newsletter
The Sequoia Community Corps (SCC) recently received a two year grant from CalRecycle to collect used motor oil from the agricultural community of Tulare County. Farms, dairies and ranches will be able to responsibly dispose of their used motor oil. The SCC will make arrangements to come to the site to pick up the used oil.
The goal of the used oil collection program is to increase the recycling of used oil and avoid improper disposal, which can be harmful to the environment. One gallon of used oil can ruin the taste of a million gallons of drinking water, and one pint of oil can produce a 1 acre oil slick on the surface of a body of water.
Sequoia Community Corpsmembers will work alongside SCC sta to operate this program. The young men and women are completing this meaningful work while pursuing their education.
For more information about the Used Oil Recycling Program or to sign up, contact Lisa Torres at (559) 977-1560 or

Victory for Civicorps to Expand Class B Driver Training Program

Article appears on Civicorps’ website. Published July 31, 2014.

Last week’s City Council meeting saw Civicorps in the limelight as their staff, students, Board Members, and community partners spoke passionately about how expanding their organics collection service will provide family-sustaining careers for Oakland youth.  

All eight City Council members individually lauded Civicorps for its achievements and willingness to create a new career pathway for Oakland’s young adults.    

The vote before the Council was to award a garbage, recycling, and organics collection contract to either the current provider: Waste Management or to three Oakland-based partners: Civicorps, EBMUD, and California Waste Solutions. 

In the end, the Council voted unanimously to award the contract to the Oakland partners! Thus, Civicorps will collect commercial organics throughout the city and deliver them to EBMUD’s anaerobic digester to be converted into renewable energy.  

Through this contract, Civicorps will be able to expand its Class B Driver Training Program to establish a pathway to lucrative Teamster union jobs. They also will create positions for graduates to become customer service interns and zero waste specialists.

This landmark contract will produce a national model for how to use a garbage franchise agreement to create pathways for low-income young adults while providing the best environmental outcomes for the entire city. 

“This proposal offers the City a sustainable solution to organics processing in Oakland, by Oakland, for Oakland.”  

– Andy Katz, President of EBMUD’s Board of Directors  


Read more about this groundbreaking decision in the Oakland Tribune and CBS Bay Area!  

Partnership between Trout Headwaters, Inc. and The Corps Network Featured in Newsletter of National Mitigation Banking Association


As written on its website, “The National Mitigation Banking Association brings together leaders who are committed to a unique concept for restoring and conserving America’s wetlands, streams, and other habitat resources – a concept that unites sound economic and environmental practices.” 

We are thankful that the NMBA recently chose to highlight our partnership with Trout Headwaters, Inc. on page 7 of their latest newsletter. The goal of the partnership is to train Corpsmembers to complete advanced aquatic restoration projects. The NMBA newsletter is sent to over 600 restoration companies in the US and abroad in addition to numerous federal, state, and local government policy, regulatory, and funding officials, so awareness of our joint initiative continues to grow. 


Texas Conservation Corps Battles Poison Ivy at Lake Brownwood

Article appears on Texas Conservation Corps’ Blog. Published July 29, 2014.

Lake Brownwood State Park is a place where visitors can rent cabins or pitch a tent for a night and enjoy swimming, boating, hiking, and much more.  Red Crew spent 11 days there for a fuel reduction project in late April.  Basically, this meant we used chainsaws, loppers, and brushcutters to cut away the woody understory approximately 30 feet around 18 of the cabins they have available. After cutting away the plants and pulling down green briar from the trees, we made sure to spray it all with herbicide so the plants wouldn’t grow back and the cabins would be protected from potential wildfires. These cabins were built by the Civilian Conservation Corps, so we want to make sure they stay protected!

While staying at Lake Brownwood, Red Crew had full access to the group rec hall, where we were able to cook all our meals and bond over many board games every night. Tensions were running high as we all competed to be the last man standing in Werewolf or Zombies. If you haven’t heard of either of these games, I highly recommend you try it out soon! But beware, you will probably be betrayed by your friends as they kill your character. Good thing it’s just a game, right?

The crew didn’t leave this project without a few real battle scars, though. We encountered a villain we know all too well, and sometimes, no matter what you do, you can’t win. This evil green plant sneaks up on you and causes you pain and endless itching…and in some cases a trip to Urgent Care.  That’s right, folks, poison ivy. This enemy of ours won many battles during the 11 days of this project, however; we came out victorious and eventually the itching went away.

All in all, between the board games, the amazing food, swimming in the lake, and completing all the work we were able to complete, this project was one we won’t forget.


Down The Path of Conservation: Western Colorado Conservation Corpsmember Returns as Crew Leader

Article, written by Crew Leader Chi Yun (Jenny) Takaki, appears in WCCC thePULSE Blog. Published June 24, 2014.

In the spring of 2011, I became employed with the Western Colorado Conservation Corps. Beginning as a crew member, I was introduced to many new places, concepts, skills and individuals and I couldn’t be more excited for a new adventure.

There was so much training and experiences that I was privileged to have CPR/First Aid training, Crew Leader for Trail Construction and Maintenance training and certification through the ISO of VOC, Wildland Firefighting training and certificates (S-130, S-190), a Recreational Technician Internship with the Grand Junction BLM office and eventually was specially picked by the BLM as a crew leader for a project maintaining the trails of the Tabeguache Trail, Lunch Loop system; not to forget all the education awards I was able to save through Americorps.

A vast amount of opportunities opened up and I was overwhelmed with doors to open. So at the end of the fall of that year I decided to go traveling and take me skills with me. I was inspired by the beauty of Western Colorado to see more of the country since I pretty much grew up in Grand Junction, CO.

My destination was the Northwest coast. I set my sights on a cute little WWOOFing farm off the coast of Oregon in a rural town. Since the farm was only 4 miles from the ocean, we had such a lovely journey filled with a diversity of land formations and climates as we drove down the loneliest highway. I was able to use my trade skills I learned through the WCCC at the farm like fuels mitigation and thinning of the forest and taking care of the garden. I also picked up a few more skills since I’ve never herded animals or picked wild fruit before. I met so many wonderfully kind people and made good friendships along the way.

After another brief trip to Colorado for my mom’s graduation and back to Oregon I decided to find a new destination, and through mutual friends I found a place in the Redwoods of Northern California to help with winter prep, limb removal, trail building and gardening/weeding. Eventually I felt home sick and returned to Colorado once again, completed a Yoga Teacher training and enjoyed the trails of the ever so beautiful Western Colorado.

Glad to be home, I felt like I had made many fun and daring choices after my time spent at the WCCC. Being part of such a conscience community focused on striving to help the environment and individual growth I gained so much inspiration to pursue natural synchronicity on my own. But once I felt like I lost my direction and somehow managed to end up at a thrift store, the concept of recycling was the only thing conservative that I was involved with. I was ready for another change and realized that I would have never progressed as far as I did if it wasn’t for the Western Colorado Conservation Corps.

My first time there I grew as a confident individual, team player, environmental enthusiast, and curious creature ready to learn and grow more. Being surrounded by people I wouldn’t normally surround myself with was great for challenging my social skills and work compatibility/flexibility. With so many different kinds of projects in so many great places I was exposed to a better view of the world and how it naturally manages itself and what we can do to make a better impact. But most of all, working at the WCCC gave me faith that I was able to do anything if I put my mind to it. I always tending to be more introverted and apathetic, yet after working there I felt like I discovered a passion within me. The desire to always better myself, to never give up, and fight until the end. No great change can occur if people aren’t willing to sacrifice something to attain a great gain and I felt that the WCCC sacrificed a lot for me to grow and I am forever grateful to them for that.

That’s why this year, 2014 I decided to apply again as a crew leader to help find more personal guidance as I help others find a path that suits their needs. My crew leaders and office staff always saw the light in me even when I didn’t and it was what I needed to mature. I believe once you’ve experienced something its easier to help others find a similar experience. In my case, I hope to offer the youth and young adults of the future to pursue their dreams and find the natural bliss of their true nature. At the corps, I learned more of who I was, and who I am. And I’m happy to say, I’m still learning.


Montana Conservation Corps Spruces up Spruce Park Cabin

Article, written by Jalmer Johnson, appears on MCC KCrew Blog. Published July 14, 2014.

As this year marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Wilderness Act it seems appropriate to reflect not only upon what wilderness itself means, but also the actions we have taken to protect the wilderness over the past half century.  Our crew recently spent several weeks at Spruce Park Cabin in the Great Bear Wilderness.  The building is part of a network of cabins utilized by rangers as waypoints as they patrol the woods.  All of these cabins are more than half a century in age, and many are currently being authorized as historic buildings. 

Spruce Park cabin is among the newest of the cabins, however, due to erosion along the cliff side that overlooks the Middle Fork of the Flathead River, the cabin will soon collapse into the river.  To save the cabin the Forest Service has begun a lengthy project to move the cabin several hundred feet away from the river, and our crew was lucky enough to assist in the preparations to move, and save the cabin later in the summer.

Due to the various restrictions that come with working in a Wilderness Area (mainly the ban on anything motorized, but also the remoteness) we became very aware of the difficulties, and, at the same time, the pleasures of working exclusively with tools powered by ourselves alone.  We began by clearing the trail of fallen trees, using a crosscut saw in lieu of our chainsaws.  Our work at the cabin itself saw us assisting with projects both with experts brought in by the Forest Service, and on our own that prepared the cabin for it’s big move later in the summer. 

Accomplishing difficult tasks, such as cutting trees several feet thick or transporting thousand pound trees, with nothing but our hands was an empowering experience.  An experience that constantly reminded me of Henry David Thoreau’s famous observation from Walden: “Our life is frittered away by detail… simplify, simplify.”  This, in my opinion, is both the beauty, and the importance, of the wilderness today.  Our work at the cabin allowed us to take time and admire the awesome power of the river below us, or to stop and observe the fragility of life at the finding of a dead bird.

Our work at the cabin also helped connect us with the past.  We were reminded of the work the early rangers put in to create our wilderness infrastructure in National Forests, and National Parks.  More than that we were keenly aware of the difficulties, and satisfaction felt by all who had worked with only their hands, bereft of the power provided by modern technology. 

Such an intimate connection with the land around me, and the work in front of me, is what I will remember most about my time at Spruce Park Cabin, and is not an experience I will soon forget.


Corps Responding to Wildfires, Floods, and More

Article, written by CNCS Staff, appears on the National Service Tumblr. Published July 25, 2014.

Disaster Services Unit update

Washington Wildfires 

69 AmeriCorps members and staff from Washington Conservation Corps have responded to destructive wildfires in Washington state, serving more than 6,800 hours so far. Disasters include the Mills Canyon Fire in Entiat, the Carlton Fire Complex in Winthrop, and the Chiwaukum Creek Fire in Leavenworth.

We’re collaborating with the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, the state agency tasked with wildfire response and management. AmeriCorps members are supporting firefighting camp operations including supply management, distribution of firefighting resources, inventory control, order processing, food distribution, and camp upkeep. 

Also, Senior Corps RSVP volunteers from Chelan-Douglas Community Action Council and AmeriCorps VISTA members are assisting the Red Cross with shelter operations in Wenatchee, Chelan, and Brewster. 

AmeriCorps St. Louis Responds to Clarksville Flooding

On July 2, a 14-member AmeriCorps St. Louis Emergency Response Team answered the call to help the area that sits about 75 miles north of its home base, performing flood protection work in and around Clarksville’s historic district, businesses, and homes. This marked the third time the Emergency Response Team has provided services to the town in 15 months. The latest reports from earlier this week found that AmeriCorps St. Louis members had served more than 1,072 hours, registered 268 volunteers, leveraged another 2,143 volunteers, and supervised 382 volunteers. 

Floods in the north: A community comes together

AmeriCorps members with Conservation Corps Minnesota and Iowa are responding to flooding in Minnesota:

“We are the community. We serve the people who need help the most, wherever it may be. We do what needs to be done and we don’t stop working until it is done.”

Read more at the Conservation Corps website.


Greening Youth Foundation’s Urban Conservation Training Institute Hopes To Be A Game Changer for Atlanta’s Youth

Article, written by Nick Chiles, appears in the Atlantic Blackstar. Published July 25, 2014.

ATLANTA — As soon as Dominique Robinson set foot in the garden earlier this week with the rest of her training crew, vivid childhood memories came rushing back to her from the hot summers she spent toiling away on her grandmother’s farm and garden in North Carolina.

Robinson wasn’t even aware of it at the time, but those long-ago summers may have been prepping her for an environmental career.

Now Robinson, 28, is part of the first class of the Greening Youth Foundation’s Urban Conservation Training Institute. The creation of the institute may be a game-changer for youth in neighborhoods like Atlanta’s Old Fourth Ward and the West Side, introducing them to new careers and changing the way they look at the world.

Sitting in a classroom in the historic West End for the next six weeks, Robinson will be absorbing reams of information on key concepts such as conservation, maintenance, urban farming, construction—even how to extinguish forest fires.

After the 14 young people in the first class finish the training in early September, the class will be divided according to their home communities. The Old Fourth Ward crew will experience the thrill of restoring buildings at a key American landmark—the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Site in Atlanta.

Working with the National Trust for Historic Preservation on a project funded by the National Park Service, the group will painstakingly restore the “shotgun homes” directly across the street from King’s birth home under the guidance of a historic preservation expert, returning them to the exact state they were in when King was alive.

The West Side crew, composed of recruits from the English Avenue and Vine City communities, will simultaneously work on two park projects. The first project entails the design and construction of the Lindsay Street Park, which will be built at the only site in Atlanta where a tributary of Proctor Creek briefly emerges from underground before returning to the Chattahoochee River. The second project will be the expansion of the Vine City Park to accommodate more residents and increase available amenities.

If all goes according to plan, Robinson could soon find herself enjoying the kind of environmental career she never envisioned on grandma’s farm.

“I didn’t know anything about careers in the environment,” said Robinson, who will be a crew leader on the King Center restoration project. “But on the first day of the class, as soon as the teacher started telling us about it, I knew I would love it.”

Opening the eyes of young people like Robinson has long been one of the primary goals of the Greening Youth Foundation, ever since founder and CEO Angelou Ezeilo created an environmental education curriculum that was taught in Georgia schools. But as the organization has grown, GYF has forged key partnerships with companies and government agencies such as the National Park Service, USDA Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the EPA that actually have paying jobs to offer after the young people go through GYF training.

Since its founding almost a decade ago, the nonprofit has trained and sent hundreds of minority youth across the United States to manage and preserve public lands and encourage environmental activism. The Grand Canyon and the Everglades National Historic Park are among the iconic federal sites where GYF crews have worked.

GYF created the training institute to prepare the young people who are part of the Atlanta Youth Corps, which GYF formed earlier this year in partnership with Atlanta City Councilman Kwanza Hall. The Atlanta Youth Corps is the city’s answer to the challenge issued in February by U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell, who stood before Washington, D.C.’s Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial and announced the formation of a new Civilian Conservation Corps to lure thousands of young people across the country into conservation work.

“The Urban Conservation Training Institute is the perfect venue to train our Atlanta Youth Corps members in 21st century skills,” said GYF Founder and CEO Ezeilo. “As the Old Fourth Ward and West Side crews started their six-week training program this week, I had to fight back tears as I sat and watched each member go around the room and share their career goals, which were all attainable with a little guidance. It is public-private partnerships that make this vision a reality.”

In addition to the National Park Service and Councilman Hall, GYF’s partners include The Conservation Fund, Park Pride, West Atlanta Watershed Alliance, The UPS Foundation, Operation P.E.A.C.E, and Wingate Companies.

“I can’t wait to tell my grandmother about this program,” Robinson said. “I know she’ll be excited for me.”


[Video] Video Montage of Kupu Team “Oahu D” Working at Luluku


Meet New York Restoration Project’s Volunteer Coordinator Danica Doroski

Article, written by Sadia Choudhury, appears on the New York Restoration Project Blog. Published July 14, 2014.

In between the arduous work of removing invasive vines from choking tall trees in Highbridge Park and planting seeds with local elementary school students at the Riley Levin Children’s Garden, Danica Doroski took a quick breather. Sitting in her favorite spot in Sherman Creek Park, a stone bench bordering an open expanse of foliage overlooking the park and city buildings, Danica described the view as a perfect illustration of her work: caring for beautiful, vital green space in the midst of a bustling, concrete city.  

As NYRP’s Volunteer Coordinator, Danica’s volunteer groups include New Yorkers from all over the city, ranging from young elementary school children to retirees—including locals who remember the Park as an illegal dumping ground two decades ago, before NYRP’s intervention. With several volunteer seasons under her belt, she explained “It’s been so amazing to watch people from different backgrounds, with different experiences interact not only with nature, but each other. We’re really building a network of diverse New Yorkers who have a common interest in caring for green space.”
With a background in ecology, Danica explained, “I love being able to share the science of what we’re doing here and help others become better stewards of green space.” At the helm of growing NYRP’s volunteer program in Northern Manhattan, Danica describes the commitment of volunteers as “…a vital resource to NYRP—they help us fulfill our goals to keep the parks vibrant and healthy. We couldn’t do all of this work without them.