Why we like the Antiquities Act

(Read The Corps Network Thank You letter to President Obama and Secretary Jewell in response to the San Gabriel Mountains national monument designation).

What would it be like if Chimney Rock in Colorado, the ancestral home of the Pueblo People, was open to modern development? What if the Giant Sequoias of Northern California had no protection from lumber companies or wood poachers? What if Fossil Butte in Wyoming, one of the best paleontological records of aquatic life in North America, could be tapped by the fossil fuel industry? Fortunately, these places, and many other pristine landscapes and historical sites throughout the country, are protected as national monuments for all Americans to enjoy. Today, we can celebrate the designation of another national monument: the San Gabriel Mountains of California.

It is because of the Antiquities Act that all of our national monuments exist. Under the Antiquities Act, the president has the authority to protect “historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest” by declaring them national monuments. Nearly every president has used this legislation since it was created in 1906, but President Obama has been an especially strong champion of preserving places that are important to our country’s history and natural beauty. The designation of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument is Obama’s second use of the Antiquities Act this year (Organ Mountains – Desert Peaks National Monument in New Mexico was created in May) and his thirteenth use of the Act during his presidency. Thanks to President Obama, we can be certain that the integrity of nearly a dozen additional historically or scientific significant places will be safe for generations to come.

The San Gabriel Mountains are important for many reasons, but they are especially important because they lie within a 90 minute drive of over 15 million people. They provide the only large-scale open space available for many residents of Los Angeles County, and also provide LA with some 30 percent of its drinking water. Aditionally, the 340,000+ acres of wilderness are home to numerous rare and endangered species, including the California condor. 

With the designation of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, there will be more recreational opportunities and increased access to nature for many minority communities. What if all children living in Los Angeles County today had the chance to discover the campgrounds and hundreds of miles of trails the San Gabriels offer? This could be a reality with the money and resources that accompany a national monument designation. Millions of Angeleños who otherwise might not have the opportunity to explore the peaks just beyond the city limits would be able to grow up with an understanding of, and appreciation for, nature and the importance of preserving our wild places.

Protecting our natural spaces is a win for outdoor enthusiasts, the tourism industry, recreation outfitters, and basically anyone who enjoys clean air and safe drinking water. It’s also a win for Service and Conservation Corps. There are billions of dollars-worth of backlogged maintenance projects on our public lands, but proclaiming a place a national monument means there will certainly be money to fix that location’s trails and bridges, stabilize stream banks, and build campsites. For the San Gabriel Mountains, the National Forest Foundation has already pledged $3 million in support of restoration projects.

Service and Conservation Corps in every state maintain our public lands in an efficient, high-quality and cost-effective manner. Through the process of making our parks and monuments safe and accessible, Corps train future land managers and environmental leaders. By using the Antiquities Act, President Obama addresses the goals of his administration’s America’s Great Outdoors Initiative in a number of ways, including the Initiative’s goal to develop a 21st Century Conservation Service Corps. When we give protections to our forests and mountains and waterways, we give our young people opportunities to explore the outdoors and explore rewarding careers in environmental stewardship.

Today we can feel fortunate for the Antiquities Act, but we should also recognize the importance of other policies that protect and restore America’s natural treasures. For example, we can also celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Land Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), which provides critical funding for land and water conservation projects and hence helps fund Corps. When we support the use of the Antiquities Act, the Land Water Conservation Fund, and other legislation that expands protections for America’s natural, cultural and historic features, we support Corps and giving young people the education and job training to lead fulfilling lives and careers. So – thank you, President Obama for using your authority to recognize the significance of another American landmark and, in doing so, giving opportunities to our youth.   

The Corps Network Thanks President Obama for Designation of San Gabriel Mountains National Monument


(Read our op-ed in response to the San Gabriel Mountains national monument designation).

Today, President Obama used his authority under the Antiquities Act to designate 346,177 acres of the San Gabriel Mountains in California a national monument. This will give protection to the only large-scale open space accessible to millions of residents of Los Angeles County. As stated in a White House press release:

The peaks of the San Gabriel Mountains frame the Los Angeles skyline and offer hundreds of miles of hiking, mountain biking, motorized, and equestrian trails as well as campgrounds to the area’s diverse residents. In addition to providing drinking water, the San Gabriels’ rivers support rare populations of native fish, while the vegetation found in the monument supports native wildlife and insect species, including pollinators important to farmers. The area is also rich in cultural and scientific history. More than 600 archeologically and culturally significant sites are found within the new monument, such as the Aliso-Arrastre Special Interest Area, which features rock art and cupules that exemplify more than 8,000 years of Native American history. The new monument is also home to the Mt. Wilson Observatory, where Edwin Hubble discovered galaxies beyond the Milky Way and Albert Michelson provided the first modern measurement of the speed of light.

The Corps Network and fourteen of its member organizations have issued a thank you letter to President Obama. A PDF of the letter can be accessed by clicking here, and the full text is published below. 

Full Text of The Corps Network’s Letter to President Obama:


October 10, 2014

The President
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500


Dear Mr. President:

On behalf of Service and Conservation Corps across the country, we write to thank you for your recent action to protect the San Gabriel Mountains as a national monument.

Although the nation’s 100+ Service and Conservation Corps are diverse in mission and membership, we all strive to improve quality of life for our participants and in our communities.  From building trails and campgrounds on our nation’s iconic public lands, to creating and caring for urban parks and gardens, to improving the energy efficiency of low-income housing, to helping communities prepare for and recover from disasters, Corps provide communities with valuable services and participants with the job training, academic programming, leadership skills and more, to improve lives and the environment.

It is this dedication to the betterment of future generations that leads us to strongly support your recent action to create the San Gabriel National Monument.  Protecting these pristine public lands will help to secure recreational opportunities for local communities and encourage more Americans to spend time in the great outdoors.  This will help boost local economies, support public health, and inspire future generations to embody the conservation ethic we all hold dear.

We also want to thank and recognize Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell for her tireless leadership on behalf of Service and Conservation Corps.  Her support of the 21st Century Conservation Service Corps has been extraordinary, and her recognition of the importance that land conservation policies play in furthering the missions of Conservation Corps everywhere is integral to our future success.

Thank you again for acting to protect the San Gabriel Mountains, and we look forward to seeing other special landscapes protected in the future.


Mary Ellen Sprenkel
President and CEO
The Corps Network

And the undersigned Corps:


San Gabriel Valley Conservation and Service Corps
El Monte, CA

Orange County Conservation Corps
Anaheim, CA

Farmworker Institute’s Kern Service and Conservation Corps
Tehachapi, CA

Great Basin Institute / Nevada Conservation Corps
Reno, NV

Conservation Legacy
Durango, CO

Environmental Stewards
Durango, CO

Southwest Conservation Corps
Salida & Durango, CO and Acoma Pueblo, NM

Rocky Mountain Youth Corps
Taos, NM

Arizona Conservation Corps
Tucson & Flagstaff, AZ

Southeast Youth Corps
Chattanooga, TN

Wisconsin Conservation Corps
La Crosse, WI

Vermont Youth Conservation Corps
Richmond, VT

American YouthWorks
Austin, TX

Texas Conservation Corps
Austin, TX




California Conservation Corps Meets U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx

Secretary Foxx greets CCC corpsmember Matthew Davidson as Anh Loc Harris looks on.

Story provided by the California Conservation Corps

Corpsmembers, former corpsmembers, and California Conservation Corps staff were invited by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to attend a meeting with U.S. Transporation Secretary Anthony Foxx last week in San Francisco.

The focus was project work the CCC provides to Caltrans and specifically the career path the two agencies have developed through the Caltrans Trainee program. A number of corpsmembers have been hired by Caltrans after participating in the Trainee program.  Also discussed was how the CCC makes use of both federal and state transportation funding.

Secretary Foxx listens as CCC Director David Muraki talks about the partnerships with state and federal transportatIon agencies.

National Council of Young Leaders shares their Recommendations on Capitol Hill


Washington, D.C. — On Friday, October 3, 2014, the National Council of Young Leaders held a Congressional Briefing to share their Recommendations to Increase Opportunity and Decrease Poverty in America. The Council, comprised of 16 diverse opportunity youth from across the country, developed these six Recommendations in response to some of the most pervasive problems faced by low-income young Americans.

All of the 16 councilmembers contributed their different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives to creating the Recommendations. Some of them spoke about their experiences and personal connections to specific Recommendations during the briefing.


Recommendation 1Expand effective comprehensive programs.

                Philan Tree (affiliated with The Corps Network – Flagstaff, AZ) spoke of how comprehensive programs, like Service and Conservation Corps or YouthBuild, provide the wraparound support many opportunity youth need in order to advance their careers and educational goals. Childcare and family responsibilities, transportation issues, the need to work and make money – these are all common barriers faced by low-income young people trying to access the educational or career opportunities that could help them get ahead. Comprehensive programs address these problems, making sure youth don’t have to sacrifice in order to go to school or learn new job skills.

Recommendation 2Expand national service.

                Deon Jones (affiliated with Be The Change – Washington, DC) spoke of how people in poor communities often feel like their situation is a problem that someone else can fix. They don’t feel like they have the power to be part of the solution. Deon talked about how expanding national service to engage more low-income individuals in programs like AmeriCorps or YouthBuild is a way to give people the empowerment to make a difference. When a generation of young people realize that, instead of being served, they can be the “architects” of making healthier, stronger, safer communities, there will be an overflow of prosperity into the generations to come.

Recommendation 3Expand private internships.

                Adam Strong (affiliated with YouthBuild USA – Hazard, KY) talked about how many American employers are looking for workers, but our young people don’t have the skills required to fill available positions. Expanding internships is an excellent way to address this issue because interning gives a young person exposure to the work world, hands-on experience, and the chance to develop hard and soft skills. Young people also find mentors through their internships, and build a network of professionals to help them find a job in the future. Comprehensive programs like Year Up provide intensive job skills training and access to corporate internships that give young people a solid footing in the work world.   

Recommendation 4Increase all forms of mentoring.

                Ramean Clowney (affiliated with Jobs for the Future – Philadelphia, PA) spoke about how mentors made, and continue to make, a huge difference in his life. Many opportunity youth who reconnect with education or work have a mentor to thank for encouraging them along the way. Anybody can be a mentor, regardless of his or age, and can help someone simply by answering questions, being a good listener, and showing that they believe in their mentee’s potential. Ramean talked about the benefit of having multiple mentors, including people who share your background and can relate to your issues, as well as people who can expose you to new opportunities and communities.

Recommendation 5Protect and expand pathways to higher education.

                Shawnice Jackson (affiliated with Public Allies – Baltimore, MD) talked about her own experience navigating the confusing world of college applications and financial aid without guidance or support from people who understood the processes. Shawnice spoke of how students need to be protected from predatory loans and should be equipped with the financial literacy to make good decisions about how to fund their education. She talked about the need for more affordable college options, as well as the need to help students realize their eligibility for certain resources and access financial aid.

Recommendation 6Reform the criminal justice system.

                Lashon Amado (affiliated with YouthBuild USA – Brockton, MA) talked about how America is quick to lock people up, but we forget that over 90 percent of prisoners are eventually reintroduced into society. Our system is flawed in that approximately 2/3 of former inmates recommit and once again find themselves behind bars. Lashon spoke of his own experience of “having society turn its back” on him once he had a record. We need to make sure that those who once committed a crime are not shutout from the community and forced back into the illegal activities that landed them in trouble in the first place.

                Ladine “JR” Daniels (affiliated with The Corps Network – Charleston, SC) also spoke from experience about how difficult it can be to reenter society after a period of incarceration. He talked about the need to reauthorize the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act in order to protect young offenders. Ladine talked about how, like Lashon, finding a job was nearly impossible with his record, but, through national service, he was able to get back in the work world and develop a set of skills and credentials to build a career. Second chances for offenders are few and far between, meaning that those who find these opportunities will go into them with all the enthusiasm they can generate. People who might have made mistakes in the past have the potential to do great things and succeed if only given the chance. 

Where are they now? Updates from The 2014 Corpsmembers of the Year


Jon Brito 

Since the conference I have completed my fellowship with Hawaii Energy through a program of Kupu, called RISE. Through various technical retrofits and behavior changing programs, we helped save tens of thousands of kWh from Hawaii’s electrical grid. This saved barrels of oil used and reduced CO2 emissions across the board.

I am still in school, still working towards my Electronic Computer Engineering degree on Maui through the University of Maui. I am also working on a GIS certification.

Something I have gained through my experience in the Corps is some amazing networking opportunities. Doing my GIS certification has led us to map out some of Maui’s premiere environments and preserves. There is also this need to continue my work in conservation even though I currently am not directly employed.

I still continue to volunteer at the fishpond, and have cleared a whole shoreline of the invasive mangrove. Roughly 3 acres have been removed from the time I started at the fishpond. Currently I am still looking for more volunteer opportunities, but I am lucky because on Maui they are plentiful.


Edgar Galvez

Hi, everyone. This is Edgar Galvez – I attended The Corps Network 2014 conference as a Corpsmember of the Year. Let me tell you, that conference was amazing. I had a blast in DC, and getting to know the other Corpsmembers of the year. After the conference I came back home and started working for the union.  There have been so many projects that I’ve been working on, like schools, freeways, bridges. It’s been incredible to see how things are built and destroyed.

I also go back to Fresno YouthBuild and talk to the new Corpsmembers that are coming in about my life, and how the Corps changed my life, and how it could happen to any of them if they truly believe in themselves.

The other wonderful thing that happened after the conference is that my wife just gave birth to my baby boy, Damian. It’s truly a blessing.

What I gained from the conference is public speaking experience. That was my biggest fear or obstacle, but ever since I read my speech in front of all those people I believe in myself more. When it’s time to speak in a group or conference, I think I can handle it now. 


Eliseo Nunez 

I woke up this morning and noticed my doormat was backwards. Instead of wondering what happened, right away my love for life made it clear.

“Welcome to planet earth, anything is possible!”

Since my trip to D.C. I’ve really been putting in the time and effort to make San Diego a better place. Clearly it has not only been an amazing opportunity for me to grow, but I feel that I have planted thousands of seeds. For starters, I am now a full time supervisor with San Diego Urban Corps. I find it hard to forget where it all began. My plan is to be the best supervisor I can be and to keep furthering my education. When it’s time to go, I’ll have such an amazing bag of tools I can use out there to keep making my city a beautiful place.

The San Diego Union Tribune has written two articles about me, the city council has awarded me with my own day in early March. Last night I just got a certificate of appreciation signed by an honorable judge here with the superior court. Everyone asks who, what, why?

Well, going back to my doormat. Nothing has changed, I welcome each day with open arms. I do my best to find the gain in the pain, the good in the bad, and the happy in the sad. Thank you guys for sharing these special moments with me and I pledge to continue to take it one day at a time!!!!!


Linda Santana

Since the conference, I’ve moved back to Los Angeles, CA. During the summer, most of my time was spent volunteering at a high school and doing things with my family. Most recently I got a job working for an afterschool program. I work with 2nd grade students, not only helping them with their homework but also providing them with other activities that will allow them to be successful.

As I reflect back on the past year and my term with RMYC, I can’t help but feel grateful for the experience the Corps provided me with. It inspired me, gave me confidence and provided me with personal growth. Although currently I’m not working in an outdoor/ conservation field, the skills I learned have helped me tremendously. My leadership skills have improved, I’m more assertive when it comes to getting things done but I’m also conscious of when I need to step back and allow others to do their job. I learned to have patience and let things go. Living in L.A. my personal as well as professional lifestyle are different but I still find time to go on occasional hikes and am trying my best to live a healthier and more fit lifestyle. 



Ruby Simonian

After my California Conservation Corps experience, I am now working for State parks in the beautiful redwoods of northern California. I will always take my corps experience with me in my future endeavors and will forever be grateful for my past excursions. I plan on continuing school and working towards my goal to become an ecopsychologist.




Candace Washington

Since the conference I have continued being actively engaged in public environmental events. Shortly after the conference I was invited to New York City for a fundraiser for Civicorps by Reeta, she is on the board of directors for Civicorps.  In May I was asked to be the emcee and say a speech to over two hundred people for Civicorps’ Gala. This was also an event to raise money for corpsmembers who graduated and went off to college.

I am still enrolled and attending community college where I am earning my credits needed to transfer. Currently I am working at the City of Oakland Environmental Services division; I received a one year extension. I was also offered a possible permanent position that pays twice as much as what I make now with the City of Oakland Public works call center. I have accepted the offer and I will start next year once I have a full two years of public experience.

$3 million commitment to Serve a Year Campaign announced at Clinton Global Initiative

On September 22nd, at the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual conference, President Bill Clinton announced a $3 million commitment to the Serve a Year Campaign. The campaign – which is led by ServiceNation and partners representing all of the country’s leading national service organizations, including The Corps Network – is focused on working with leaders in the entertainment industry to raise awareness about national service through incorporating programs like AmeriCorps into TV shows, movies and other pop culture outlets.

Press release from ServiceNation
September 22, 2014
Tim Smith, Director of Online Engagement, Service Nation


Chelsea Clinton, President Clinton, ServiceNation Announce Commitment to Reach Millions of Americans Through Serve A Year Campaign

Comcast and NBCUniversal, Airbnb, & Philanthropists Jonathan and Jeanne Lavine and Josh and Anita Bekenstein Commit Over $3 MM in support of campaign led by ServiceNation

New York, NY  – Today, at the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual conference, President Bill Clinton announced a $3 million commitment to the Serve a Year Campaign. The Campaign, led by the grassroots advocacy organization ServiceNation, will work with leaders in the entertainment industry to popularize the idea of national service by integrating programs like AmeriCorps into television and movie scripts, as well as content created by cutting-edge online and social media artists.

“If more young people participated in full time service programs like AmeriCorps, it would have a transformative impact on our country,” said Chelsea Clinton, Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation. “Through our work with the National Service Alliance, we seek to accomplish just that. We have proven time and again that we are stronger when we work together and by giving more Americans the opportunity to come together in service, we make our nation stronger.”

Building on more than 20 years of support for national service, philanthropists Jonathan and Jeannie Lavine and Josh and Anita Bekenstein have each committed $1 million to this effort. Longtime supporters of Service Year organizations, they are excited about a new future for this movement.

“We strongly support the idea of a Service Year,” said Jonathan Lavine. “We believe that ServiceNation’s cultural campaign will have a powerful impact on establishing a year of service as a common opportunity and expectation for a new generation that is ready serve.”

President Clinton also announced a number of ambitious goals and grants that will promote and strengthen national service programs. Those include:

Developing 30,000 new national service positions by 2017

Working with institutions of higher education and establishing a new “Employers of Service” program

New partnerships and commitments from major companies like Airbnb, Cisco, the Lumina Foundation, Comcast and NBCUniversal

The creation of the National Service Alliance – a group consisting of ServiceNation, Voices for National Service, National Conference on Citizenship, and The Franklin Project at the Aspen Institute – that will be responsible for fulfilling the commitments.

“Enriching the neighborhoods we serve is at the core of Airbnb’s mission, and we are thrilled to support national service and AmeriCorps members in their commitment to give back,” said Joe Gebbia, co-founder and Chief Product Officer of Airbnb. “Airbnb’s partnership with the Clinton Foundation and ServiceNation will help provide new service corps members with a place to call home as they embark on their year of service to strengthen America’s cities and communities.”

“Our nation faces immense challenges, and we know that there is no better way to tackle them than by encouraging young people to dedicate a Service Year in their communities,” said Zach Maurin, Executive Director of ServiceNation. “We also know that the millennial generation wants to serve if they are given the right information and opportunities. With the support of partners like Airbnb and Comcast and NBCUniversal, we can effectively reach this generation and connect them to the opportunities they so desperately want.”

Airbnb, the global hospitality company, will support this initiative by donating accommodations and support for approximately 1,000 AmeriCorps members during their transition to new cities for their Service year. Comcast Corporation will commit $1 million in airtime to promote the Serve A Year Campaign.

“Comcast and NBCUniversal have been proud to support ServiceNation and the idea of a Service Year for many years,” said Charisse R. Lillie, Vice President of Community Investment at Comcast Corporation and President of the Comcast Foundation. “As a company uniquely positioned to inform, empower and inspire, we are excited to leverage our assets to support this bold new plan through our many platforms. Together, we will reach a new generation ready to serve.”

California Conservation Corps responds to the King Fire



This is one of the largest contingents of California Conservation Corps crews on one fire.  Sixteen crews — 214 corpsmembers — are assisting the U.S. Forest Service and Cal Fire on the King Fire about 60 miles north of Sacramento.

The crews are providing both fire camp support and firefighting assistance on the wildfire.

An additional eight CCC crews are helping with logistical support at two other locations.

Since July 1, the CCC has devoted nearly 200,000 hours to fire response efforts.

Job Corps Celebrates 50th Anniversary

To learn more about the 50th Anniversary of Job Corps, check out the anniversary edition of their newsletter, the Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center Courier. 

On Wednesday, September 17th the USDA hosted a celebration in honor of the 50th anniversary of Job Corps. In attendance were students and staff from Job Corps Civilian Conservation Centers in North Carolina, West Virginia, Colorado and Oregon. Each Center had a table in the USDA’s Jamie L. Whitten building to showcase some of their tools, as well as the products of their work. The displays demonstrated the variety of career training programs Job Corps offers: Schenk Job Corps exhibited tools and safety equipment used in their wilderness firefighting program; Harpers Ferry Job Corps demonstrated the software used by students in their IT training program; and students from Colorado displayed food from their farm and culinary programs. The event featured speeches from Tom Tidwell, Chief of the U.S. Forest Service; Tina Terrell, Job Corps National Director; Butch Blazer, Deputy Undersecretary for Natural Resources and Environment; and Meryl Harrell, Senior Advisor to the Undersecretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 

Wooden coin engraved by Job Corps students


Job Corps 50th Anniversary poster designed by Tiffany Gottberg, a student at Timber Lake Job Corps in Oregon.

Announcement of Grants Caps Big Week for 21st Century Conservation Service Corps

This week was a notable one in the continuing cultivation of the 21st Century Conservation Service Corps Initiative (21CSC). On Monday, The Partnership for the 21CSC hosted it’s 4th meeting at the Department of Agriculture’s Washington D.C. Headquarters.

On Wednesday, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell with Coca Cola North America President Sandy Douglas announced new 21CSC grants at an event on the Los Angeles River with several Corps in attendance. Keep reading below for more detail on what it means.

4th Partnership for 21CSC Meeting Focuses on Collaboration, Funding, and Celebrating Successes
Representatives from numerous federal agencies, partnering organizations, and 21CSC program operators met in Washington to discuss how to continue making the 21CSC a successful initiative. Most discussions were held in small groups, and focused on key themes including
  • how to find solutions to challenges and barriers that exist in inter-agency collaboration and internal communications
  • how to collect data that is consistent and meaningful across agencies and partners, as well as implement standards across 21CSC program operators to ensure high-quality programs and projects
  • how to identify and put sources of long-term federal funding in place for the 21CSC
  • challenges and opportunities for securing private funding to support the initiative, and how to negotiate meaningful public-private partnerships that are beneficial to all parties
  • federal legislation that would ensure 21CSC has staying power across political administrations
A public afternoon presentation celebrated the successes of the 21CSC to date, and featured speakers from numerous agencies and partners. The next Partnership for 21CSC meeting will be held during The Corps Network’s 2015 National Conference, which will take place from February 8-11 in Washington, D.C.  
New 21st Century Conservation Service Corps Grants Support 23 Projects in Collaboration with Six Department of Interior Agencies
On Wednesday, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell announced new Department of Interior 21CSC grants that were made possible by combining $530,823 private funds with matching funds to create project funds totaling $740,000. According to the Department of Interior, “The projects will employ approximately 160 youth and up to 10 veterans in conservation work benefiting our public lands. These projects will engage approximately 300 volunteers within the local communities and conduct restoration activities on over 200 miles of public land.”

The agencies that will partner with 21CSC organizations include the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Geological Survey.

Of the 23 projects, 19 are going to be completed by members or affiliates of The Corps Network. Many of the projects focus on traditional Corps work such as improving trails, restoring habitat, and environmental education. Some unique project highlights include

  • Conservation Legacy employing two AmeriCorps Environmental Steward program members in South Florida’s Everglades ecosystems to work with U.S. Geological Survey biologists to help research and control expanding populations of invasive reptile species.
  • Nevada Conservation Corps working with the Bureau of Land Management with six AmeriCorps members to clean-up and reduce the impacts of a recreational shooting range within the Coyote Springs Area of Critical Environmental Concern.
  • Utah Conservation Corps employing four Corpsmembers to work with the Bureau of Land Management to build a short trail around the Mill Canyon dinosaur track site to enable more visitors to see the dinosaur tracks while maintaining the site in good condition.
  • Arizona and Utah Conservation Corps employing two four-person crews to construct and install several micro-irrigation systems in the northern Navajo Nation that can help encourage gardening, an activity that has obtained renewed interest recently among local communities.

For more information on the 21st Century Conservation Service Corps initiative, please visit www.21csc.org


National Public Lands Day 2014


In celebration of National Public Lands Day 2014, check out our video about Corps and their importance to America’s public lands.