Article appears on Texas Conservation Corps’ Blog. Published July 29, 2014.
Lake Brownwood State Park is a place where visitors can rent cabins or pitch a tent for a night and enjoy swimming, boating, hiking, and much more. Red Crew spent 11 days there for a fuel reduction project in late April. Basically, this meant we used chainsaws, loppers, and brushcutters to cut away the woody understory approximately 30 feet around 18 of the cabins they have available. After cutting away the plants and pulling down green briar from the trees, we made sure to spray it all with herbicide so the plants wouldn’t grow back and the cabins would be protected from potential wildfires. These cabins were built by the Civilian Conservation Corps, so we want to make sure they stay protected!
While staying at Lake Brownwood, Red Crew had full access to the group rec hall, where we were able to cook all our meals and bond over many board games every night. Tensions were running high as we all competed to be the last man standing in Werewolf or Zombies. If you haven’t heard of either of these games, I highly recommend you try it out soon! But beware, you will probably be betrayed by your friends as they kill your character. Good thing it’s just a game, right?
The crew didn’t leave this project without a few real battle scars, though. We encountered a villain we know all too well, and sometimes, no matter what you do, you can’t win. This evil green plant sneaks up on you and causes you pain and endless itching…and in some cases a trip to Urgent Care. That’s right, folks, poison ivy. This enemy of ours won many battles during the 11 days of this project, however; we came out victorious and eventually the itching went away.
All in all, between the board games, the amazing food, swimming in the lake, and completing all the work we were able to complete, this project was one we won’t forget.