As the national association of Service and Conservation Corps, our mission is “to promote the growth, quality, and sustainability of Corps.”
December 4, 2012
Dear Friends and Supporters of The Corps Network:
Although the economy continues to improve at a modest rate, many populations and sectors continue to be negatively impacted by the most significant economic downturn since the Great Depression. Youth unemployment remains at record levels, particularly for young people of color. The nation’s infrastructure, public lands, and natural resources have backlogged maintenance needs in the trillions. And state and local budgets have been cut to the point where they are unable to meet their obligations and the “well-being of citizens is threatened.”
Service and Conservation Corps provide a solution for addressing some of these critical problems. Based on the model of the Civilian Conservation Corps, which helped pull the nation out of the Great Depression in the 1930s, Service and Conservation Corps engage out-of-school and out-of-work youth and young adults in education and training while responding to national and community needs.
In 2012, more than 30,000 Corpsmembers built trails and campgrounds, planned and developed urban gardens and community green spaces, restored natural habitats and waterways, removed hazardous fuel and invasive species, weatherized and retrofitted home and buildings in low-income communities, fought forest fires and responded to natural disasters, while at the same time obtaining GEDs, high school diplomas, college credits, AmeriCorps Education Awards, industry-recognized certificates and jobs.
And we know that Corps work ~
For Corpsmembers: “If it wasn’t for the Corps I would NEVER have gone back to school. They helped me understand the importance of education, they gave me job training and they gave me the chance to become a leader. I don’t like to think where my life would be if I hadn’t joined the Corps.” 2005 Corpsmember of the Year, Urban Corps of San Diego
For Communities: “We’ve worked closely with Greater Miami Service Corps during the past two and half years and this partnership has been key to our department, and a win-win situation for us. I can’t say enough about the value of this partnership.” Jorge Pena, Neighborhood Compliance Supervisor, Miami-Dade County
For Public Lands: “I am extremely impressed with the crew’s attitude, work ethic, land ethic, and productivity. This experience has renewed my faith and interest in the caring for the land by a young group of adults. Working with the Corps has been one of the best experiences of my career, which spans 30 years!” Jim Sparks, BLM
While we are proud of our Corps for the opportunities that they have provided to these 30,000 Corpsmembers, according to the White House Council on Community Solutions, more than six million young Americans between the ages of 16 and 25 are out-of-school and out-of work and are in need of similar opportunities.
In 2012, The Corps Network had many notable accomplishments (read our detailed summary!). In the year ahead, we have ambitious plans for growing the Corps movement. We plan to:
· Work with our federal land management agency partners to establish a 21st Century Conservation Service Corps to engage 100,000 young people in education, training, and meaningful work on our nation’s public lands.
· Implement new and important provisions in the recently passed federal transit bill that will allow more Corpsmembers to work on transportation projects and gain entre into that industry.
· Partner with experts in the field of education and workforce development to improve outcomes for Corpsmembers.
· Promote the expansion of national and community service, particularly for Opportunity Youth and Environmental Stewards.
· Implement an accreditation process that will promote a standard of excellence among all Corps.
You can help us make these plans a reality. As an important part of our national network, I hope that you will consider including The Corps Network in your charitable giving for 2012. By making a financial contribution to The Corps Network you can help us protect and develop our nation’s most precious resources – our youth, our communities and our lands. If you are interested in supporting us, you can contribute online directly through our website or you can send your tax-deductible donation to:
The Corps Network
Attn: Lauren Hill, Director of Development
1100 G Street, NW Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20005.
Thank you for your consideration. May you enjoy a wonderful holiday season and new year!
Mary Ellen Ardouny
President and CEO
The Corps Network