From Southwest Conservation Corps’ E-Newsletter
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Legacy, Inc. held its national celebration of the 80th anniversary of the CCC in Tucson, Ariz. October 24-27. CCC alumni joined in the events along with other supporters, family, and friends. Over the four-day event, alumni and participants heard from experts about the CCC’s impact in Arizona, mingled with authors of books about the CCC, and celebrated with a service project at the Desert Museum. Keynote speakers included Arizona Representative Raul Grijalva, US Department of Agriculture Under Secretary Robert Bonnie, Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild, and Corporation for National and Community Service Deputy Chief of Staff John Kelly.
The Southwest Conservation Corps (SCC), with an office in Tucson, co-hosted the event and also celebrated its 15th anniversary.
SCC, an AmeriCorps program, enables a new generation to carry on the CCC’s ethic of environmental stewardship. Nearly 7,000 AmeriCorps members serve in this capacity nationwide, including 700 young people and veterans who serve with SCC each year. Built on the legacy of the CCC, SCC embodies the same principles of hard work, lasting impact, and individual growth.
“We are thrilled to be in Tucson to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the CCC,” said Joan Sharpe, CCC Legacy’s President. “Arizona has a strong history of conservation service, and Tucson is an ideal location to celebrate the six million men and the tremendous legacy they left for America.”
“SCC is built on the legacy of the CCC, so it is an incredible honor for SCC to host this important national celebration,” said Rob Spath, Executive Director of SCC’s Arizona programs. “Each year hundreds of young people and returning Veterans at SCC commit to improving recreation access, protecting communities from wildfire, and strengthening Arizona’s national resources.”