The year 2020 will be remembered for hardships and divisions, but we hope it will also be remembered for how communities came together.
We invite you to share some of your favorite pictures from 2020 to be considered for the cover of The Corps Network FY20 annual report. We are looking for powerful images that encapsulate the challenges, as well as the achievements and can-do spirit, of an unprecedented year. Please see below for specific criteria.
Even if your Corps’ photo doesn’t make the cover, please note that almost every photo submission we receive will be used elsewhere in the report or in other documents and resources produced by The Corps Network in the future. We sincerely appreciate all of the impactful content we’ve received in past cover photo contests.
The last day to submit photos is Friday, January 29. The report will be shared in March. Thank you for your consideration.
[Photo in banner: FY19 annual report cover photo, Southwest Conservation Corps]
Criteria/Suggestions + How to Submit Entries
- Each Corps may submit up to 6 photos.
- The deadline to participate in the contest is Friday, January 29, 2021.
- Photos must be high resolution (300 dpi preferred).
- Please provide a few details about the photo (where was it taken, who is in the picture, etc.).
- Let us know if there is a specific person who should receive photo credit. Otherwise, we will credit your organization.
- Preferred file formats are .jpg, .jpeg, .png.
- Please no images that don’t include people. We want to see great photos of Corpsmembers at work.
- Landscape-oriented pictures preferred, but portrait photos also accepted.
- Please no photos that have an obvious filter applied.
- Photos taken within the past year are preferred.
- Remember – even if your picture is not chosen for the cover, we may use it on the inside of the document or in other resources from The Corps Network.
How to Submit Your Photos
Please email your entries to Hannah Traverse, htraverse@corpsnetwork.org. Don’t forget to include a few details about each photo and if a specific person should receive credit. If your photos are too large to send in one message, feel free to send in multiple emails or use a file sharing service like Dropbox, Google Drive or WeTransfer. We can’t wait to see your entries.