Sally Jewell helps out with a Northwest Youth Corps Service Project. Photo courtesy of BLMOregon
*** Update: Scroll below to see more photos from the event! ***
Today Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell will join Northwest Youth Corps for an event in Portland, Oregon where she will announce funding that has been awarded for conservation projects that aim to boost youth employment. Later she and Charlie Hales, Portland’s Mayor, will join the Corps to participate in a service project in one of the city’s urban parks.
In 2012, Northwest Youth Corps enrolled 950 young people in its programs, making it one of the largest Corps programs in the country. As a leader in the Corps Movement, Executive Director Jeff Parker recently served on the federal advisory committee to provide guidance on establishing a 21st Century Conservation Service Corps. He also serves as a member of The Corps Network’s Corps Council.
In April, the Corps was announced as one of the grantees of The Wells Fargo Environmental Solutions for Communities program. “It is funded by the Wells Fargo Foundation and administered by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) through a $15 million, five-year relationship to promote environmental stewardship across the country.” The program is a large public-private partnership, and will also fund a program called “America’s Great Outdoors: Developing the Next Generation of Conservationists.”
Additional members of The Corps Network who have already received funding as part of the Wells Fargo Environmental Solutions for Communities program include Southwest Conservation Corps and the Student Conservation Association. A full list of the grantees who have been announced so far can be seen here.
We congratulate Northwest Youth Corps on their participation in this event, and we know that they are going to be a fantastic ambassador for Corps!
Photos from Secretary Jewell’s visit