OYSI: Opportunity Youth Outcome Evaluation – Final Report

Description : Prepared by JBS International, Inc. (June 2023), this report examines The Corps Network's AmeriCorps Opportunity Youth Service Initiative (OYSI). The report describes the results from an outcome evaluation that examines changes in employment and education for OYSI participants at the end of their term of service. TCN administered two surveys for this evaluation. The first survey, an enrollment survey, was administered to incoming OYSI participants before the start of their term of service. TCN administered the second and final survey, the post-program survey, to individuals who completed the enrollment survey after their completion of service with TCN. This post-program survey captures individual outcomes at two different time points: three months and six months post-service. 

Publish Date : June 2023

Author/Source : JBS International, Inc.

Type : Research/Report