Funding will Continue The Corps Network’s Education Award Program (EAP) and Opportunity Youth Service Initiative (OYSI)
Washington, DC (June 5, 2020) – The Corps Network – the National Association of Service and Conservation Corps – has received two AmeriCorps grants from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), the federal agency responsible for AmeriCorps and other national service programs. These grants will support the continuation of The Corps Network’s AmeriCorps Education Award Program (EAP) and Opportunity Youth Service Initiative (OYSI). Over the coming program year, EAP and OYSI will engage more than 3,700 AmeriCorps members. This grant cycle marks The Corps Network’s twentieth year as an AmeriCorps National Direct grantee.
Education Award Program (EAP)
During the 2020 – 2021 program year, EAP will engage 2,740 youth, young adults and veterans across 41 states and the District of Columbia. Members will serve out of 47 Operating Sites, managed by 25 member organizations of The Corps Network. EAP AmeriCorps members will have the opportunity to collectively earn more than $7.35 million in Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards upon successful completion of their service.
EAP concentrates on the CNCS focus areas of Environmental Stewardship and Disaster Services. During the 2020 – 2021 program year – which is the final in a three-year grant cycle for EAP – the AmeriCorps members will be responsible for improving 29,000 acres of public land and 4,000 miles of trails and waterways. They will also engage 5,000 volunteers in conservation-focused projects.
To support their AmeriCorps members, programs participating in The Corps Network’s EAP will secure over $69 million in funds from federal, state, and local resource management agencies, including the National Park Service, the U.S. Forest Service, state departments of natural resources, and city departments of parks and recreation, as well as a variety of public and private philanthropies.
Since its creation in 2000, EAP has supported more than 53,000 AmeriCorps positions. It is the largest AmeriCorps program The Corps Network administers.
Opportunity Youth Service Initiative (OYSI)
The Corps Network’s Opportunity Youth Service Initiative program (OYSI) is designed to engage diverse youth and young adults in environmental stewardship projects that improve access to public lands and promote energy efficiency in low-income housing. At least 80 percent of the participants in OYSI are “opportunity youth”: young adults between the ages of 16 and 24 who, prior to the start of their term of service, have been unemployed for at least six months.
During the 2020 – 2021 program year, OYSI will engage 970 AmeriCorps members in 14 Corps, operating across 16 states. OYSI concentrates on the CNCS focus areas of Environmental Stewardship and Economic Opportunity. At the end of the program year – the second in a three-year grant cycle for OYSI – the AmeriCorps members will be responsible for improving 5,776 acres of public lands; treating 787 miles of trails and rivers; and weatherizing/retrofitting 358 housing units and public structures.
During the program, Corpsmembers will obtain work-readiness and technical skills, and learn how to pursue jobs. Additionally, 80 percent will obtain industry-recognized credentials, and 50 percent of Corpsmembers entering the program without a GED or High School Diploma will attain one. OYSI AmeriCorps members will also have the opportunity to collectively earn more than $2.77 million in Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards upon successful completion of their service.
Since its creation in 2013, OYSI has supported more than 3,500 AmeriCorps members.
“The Corps Network is excited to celebrate 20 years of being an AmeriCorps National Direct grantee. We are proud to be part of the national service community and extend our thanks to the Corporation for National and Community for supporting the continuation of our EAP and OYSI programs,” said Mary Ellen Sprenkel, President and CEO of The Corps Network. “During these challenging times for our country, we look forward to providing more than two dozen Service and Conservation Corps the opportunity to engage thousands of young people and veterans in meaningful service and skills-building.”
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Service and Conservation Corps across the country are adjusting the ways in which they engage Corpsmembers and provide services to the community. Some EAP and OYSI programs continue to engage AmeriCorps members in providing certain essential services. For example, AmeriCorps members at Civic Works in Baltimore are helping meet increased demand for free fresh produce from the organization’s Real Food Farm. AmeriCorps members with Civicorps in California continue to clear debris from streets and keep hazardous fire fuels from encroaching on utility lines.
Additionally, with approval from the Corporation for National and Community Service, several organizations participating in EAP and OYSI have temporarily modified their programming to engage AmeriCorps members in COVID-19 response and relief efforts. For example, AmeriCorps members at several Service and Conservation Corps are helping operate food pantries, set up temporary hospitals and COVID-19 testing facilities, deliver essential items to the elderly, and create or refurbish face shields and masks. Additional examples of how Service and Conservation Corps are responding can be found on The Corps Network’s website.
Every year, 75,000 AmeriCorps members serve through 21,000+ schools, nonprofits, and community and faith-based organizations across the country. These citizens have played a critical role in the recovery of communities affected by disasters and helped thousands of first-generation college students access higher education. They also tutor and mentor young people, connect veterans to jobs, care for seniors, reduce crime and revive cities, fight the opioid epidemic, and meet other critical needs.
AmeriCorps is funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service, the federal agency for volunteering and service, and recently marked its 25th anniversary. Since the program’s inception in 1994, more than 1.1 million AmeriCorps members have served the nation, providing more than 1.6 billion hours of service and earning nearly $4 billion in education awards to pay for college or pay back student loans. Those interested in joining AmeriCorps can learn more at AmeriCorps.gov/join.
Corps involved in 2020 – 2021 EAP
Listed with state[s] where AmeriCorps members will serve
- American Conservation Experience (AZ, CA, NC, TX, UT)
- American YouthWorks – Texas Conservation Corps (TX)
- California Conservation Corps (CA)
- Christodora Inc. (MA, NY)
- Civicorps (CA)
- Community Training Works, Inc. (FL)
- Conservation Corps Minnesota and Iowa (MN)
- Conservation Corps North Bay (CA)
- Conservation Corps of Long Beach (CA)
- Conservation Legacy (members in 39 states, with the majority in AZ, CA, CO, IL, NM, NV)
- G.E.M. Environmental (AZ)
- Great Basin Institute (members in 6 states, with the majority in CA, NV)
- Great Lakes Community Conservation Corps (WI)
- Greater Miami Service Corps (FL)
- Limitless Vistas, Inc. (LA)
- Michigan Civilian Conservation Corps (MI)
- New York-New Jersey Trail Conference Conservation Corps (NY)
- Northern Bedrock Historic Preservation Corps (MN)
- Northwest Youth Corps (ID, OR)
- Rocky Mountain Conservancy (CO)
- Rocky Mountain Youth Corps (CO)
- Sacramento Regional Conservation Corps (CA)
- Sequoia Community Corps (CA)
- Watershed Conservation Corps (AR, MO)
- Youth Conservation Corps (IL)
Corps involved in 2020 – 2021 OYSI
Listed with state[s] where AmeriCorps members will serve
- American YouthWorks (TX)
- Civic Works (MD)
- CLIMB Community Development Corporation (MS)
- Conservation Corps of the Forgotten and Emerald Coasts (FL)
- Conservation Legacy (AZ, NC, NM)
- Great Lakes Community Conservation Corps (WI)
- Greater Miami Service Corps (FL)
- Green City Force (NY)
- Limitless Vistas, Inc. (LA)
- Northwest Youth Corps (ID, OR, WA)
- Operation Fresh Start (WI)
- The Sustainability Institute (SC)
- Vermont Youth Conservation Corps (VT)
- Western Colorado Conservation Corps (CO)
About The Corps Network
The Corps Network, the national association of Service and Conservation Corps, provides leadership and support to over 130 Corps across the United States. Through advocacy, and providing Corps access to funding opportunities and expert guidance, The Corps Network annually enables more than 22,000 Corpsmembers to strengthen communities, improve the environment and transform their lives through service. To learn more about The Corps Network, please visit www.corpsnetwork.org.
Media Contact
Hannah Traverse
The Corps Network
1275 K Street, NW – Suite 1050
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202.737.6272
Email: htraverse@corpsnetwork.org