Contact: Sussie Jardine
Telephone: 928-226-6960
Address: 2900 N. Flat Valley Rd. Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Email: susie@usaconservation.org
Website: usaconservation.org
American Conservation Experience Forestry Scholarship Awarded to Samuel Ebright
Flagstaff, AZ,June 8, 2015– ACE is pleased to announce the 2015 American Conservation Experience Forestry Scholarship was awarded to Northern Arizona University student, Samuel Ebright.
Sam Ebright is pursuing his bachelor of science in forestry at Northern Arizona University. Sam is an undergraduate research assistant in the School of Forestry Ecology Lab, and will be working in the field this 2015 summer season. His focus is in international conservation. His hope is to work around the world for community development.
“I have worked hard to finance my education and Northern Arizona University. My education at NAU and the field experience I have gained over the past two years have afforded me many opportunities. As I continue my education and begin my professional career I intend to pay it forward. Thank you graciously and sincerely for this opportunity and support. –Samuel Ebright
An award is given to a forestry student demonstrating academic excellence and financial need. This fund was established by American Conservation Experience (ACE), a non-profit organization based out of Flagstaff, Arizona. ACE was founded in 2004 to provide rewarding environmental service opportunities that harness the idealism and energy of a volunteer labor force to help restore America’s public lands.
ACE is grounded in the philosophy that cooperative labor on meaningful conservation projects fosters cross cultural understanding and operates in the belief that challenging volunteer service unites people of all backgrounds in common cause.
If you would like more information about American Conservation Experience,
Please contactSusie Jardineat928-226-6960or email atsusie@usaconservation.org.