On April 11-13, 2014, youth organizations around the country will hold events for Global Youth Service Day (or in this case, Days!) This initiative spearheaded by Youth Service America (YSA) highlights the work of youth engaged with changing their communities. It’s a dedicated day for youth to serve – and be celebrated for their service.
Carol Huls, The Corps Network’s Member Relations Manager, attended part of the Youth Service America’s Youth Service Institute on Nov. 12, 2013. This multi-day intensive training was designed for programs planning Global Youth Service Day events. (Carol just attended on the “partner” day). In addition to workshops on how to engage youth, YSA offers funding to support GYSD events. Their Lead Agency grants for 2014 have been allocated, but the Sodexo Foundation Youth Grants are still open for application.
The workshops focused on how to incorporate youth voices into the planning and execution of GYSD events. YSA staff like to “ask the hard questions”: How do you involve those youth “not traditionally asked to serve”? What barriers are you not seeing that are keeping youth from participating (eg. lack of transportation)? Are you stepping back and letting the youth actually lead?
Carol participated as TCN’s representative in a time for networking with the attendees from all around the country. She distributed a list of TCN members and encouraged programs to reach out to Corps for assistance in planning and implementation of their GYSD project – and to develop longer term partnerships.
The Corps Network is a part of The Global Youth Service Network convened by YSA. This coalition is made up of local, state, national, and global organizations committed to engaging children and youth to solve problems and lead communities through volunteering, community service, service-learning, national service, and civic engagement.
Please check out their resources at www.ysa.org