Arizona Conservation Corps
We envision a world with healthy lands, air and water; thriving people and resilient communities. Our programming is embedded in local communities to make the greatest impact by meeting on the ground needs. At our core is a dedication to national and community service—we are part of something BIGGER.
Our Mission: Conservation Legacy engages future leaders who protect, restore, and enhance our nation’s lands through community-based service.
Arizona Conservation Corps (AZCC) offers opportunities throughout the entire calendar year from offices located in Flagstaff and Tucson, AZ. AZCC operates a continuum of programs, from community-based initiatives for younger teens to residential camping crews for high school and college-aged individuals, along with leadership programs for college graduates and job training programs specifically for current-era veterans. Programs are operated in partnership with public land management agencies and AmeriCorps.
AZCC service projects take place throughout the state of Arizona. On most projects, Corpsmembers work and learn together in teams with up to six crew members, an Assistant Crew Leader, and a Crew Leader. AZCC has both field and local crews and offers a diverse experience for members. Projects include, but are not limited to, fuels reduction, desert restoration, tree planting, trail-building and maintenance, community service projects, fencing, and non-native plant removal. AZCC also offers Individual Placements with land management agencies throughout the Southwest.
AZCC 2025 Spring Flagstaff Roving Crew Leader
Actively Recruiting: Yes
Type of Position: Crew Leader
Town, City, Park, etc:
Flagstaff, Arizona
Benefits: Health Insurance
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