Since 1984, Northwest Youth Corps has helped more than 18,000 youth and young adults from diverse backgrounds to learn, grow, and experience success.
NYC got its start during the depths of the recession hitting Oregon in the early 1980s. Finally, after two long years of lining up the necessary work sponsorships and grants for crew equipment, NYC’s founder was able to write on NYC’s very first day of operation,
“…this concept (the founding of NYC) is no longer a dream… We are starting to get work done. In a few more days we should be able to show the world that, with the right people — people willing to really give it their best — NYC is here, and it is here to stay!”
Although NYC has grown dramatically since then, our mission remains unchanged: helping young people to become stronger, more engaged with the world around them, and more confident of their abilities to meet their goals in life.
In 2013, Northwest Youth Corps crews completed 113,636 hours of priority natural and/or cultural resource projects for 113 partners including three US Army Corps of Engineer units, eight BLM districts, three National Park Service sites, four Oregon State Parks and Recreation locations, and 19 USFS National Forests. As one graduate put it, however, “…NYC is more about building people, character, and community than it is about building trails.”
“Northwest Youth Corps taught me much more than just how to build, fix and maintain trails; it taught me how to be a leader, how to take initiative and how to push myself. I now can take the things NYC gave me and apply it to my life and what I have planned for my future.”
— NYC 2013 Graduate
To celebrate our 30th year of service to youth, communities, and the outdoors, Northwest Youth Corps is hosting a 30th Year Celebration during the weekend of September 6-7, 2014, at the NYC campus, in Eugene, Oregon. Planned activities include a festive dinner, NYC Share Your Adventure contest with cash prizes, family fun day, barbeque, service project, free tent camping, and more! To learn more, visit www.nwyouthcorps.org/30Years.aspx. We also invite our alumni and others to “like” our Facebook alumni page, https://www.facebook.com/northwestyouthcorpsalumni?fref=ts and get updates this way.