Policy: Teleservice – Sample
I. Purpose
This policy outlines the criteria for authorizing, conducting, and verifying teleservice arrangements for members enrolled in AmeriCorps programs at [NAME OF CORPS/ORGANIZATION].
[NAME OF YOUR ORGANIZATION] considers teleservice to be a viable alternative work arrangement in cases where an AmeriCorps Member is experiencing extenuating circumstances that may prohibit them from conducting service at their assigned service site. Except in situations covered by Part IV, teleservice is voluntary, and arrangements may be made with the approval of the [ROLE e.g., Site Supervisor, Program Manager, Corps Director, etc.].
Teleservice is a benefit available to all members serving in programs at [NAME OF CORPS/ORGANIZATION]. All terms and conditions of service outlined in the member service agreement remain unchanged.
II. Definition
Teleservice – Service activities completed by an AmeriCorps member in a location other than their assigned or usual service location to include service conducted at home, while on travel, or in a satellite location for all or part of their regular service schedule.
III. Authority
Teleservice may be authorized by the [ROLE(S)] at [NAME OF CORPS/ORGANIZATION].
IV. Procedures
a. Teleservice may be requested due to inclement weather or other brief, and sudden or unanticipated circumstances. In such cases, the member must contact the [ROLE(S)] within [TIME e.g. 1 hour, 2 hours, etc.] of their regularly appointed start time to request a remote service assignment.
b. Teleservice may be requested due to family leave, medical leave, or other instances that may cause a disruption in regular service for more than [NUMBER] consecutive days. In such cases, teleservice may be approved on a case-by-case basis and to the extent it is practical for the member and [NAME OF CORPS/ORGANIZATION] and, when appropriate, with the consent of the member’s health care provider. Requests for extended teleservice should be made in writing to the [ROLE(S)]. The [ROLE(S)] will discuss the member’s options up to and including exit due to compelling personal circumstance.
c. Teleservice may be mandated by the [NAME OF CORPS/ORGANIZATION] in situations where access to the principal location and/or service site is restricted and/or work at the regularly assigned service location will pose a risk to the member’s health and/or safety.
d. In all cases, the [ROLE(S)] will determine the appropriate activities to be completed during teleservice, required deliverables, schedule for regular updates, and duration of the teleservice assignment.
V. Requirements
a. Except in situations where teleservice is mandated by [NAME OF CORPS/ORGANIZATION], members requesting teleservice arrangements must have been served a minimum of [PERCENTAGE (recommended 25%)] of the hours in their enrolled service term and have exhibited above average performance in assigned activities and program requirements
b. The [ROLE(S)] will determine, in collaboration with the member and [OTHER ROLE(S)], the appropriate equipment needs for each teleservice arrangement on a case-by-case basis. Any equipment supplied by [NAME OF CORPS/ORGANIZATION] for the purpose of teleservice is the property of [NAME OF CORPS/ORGANIZATION] and shall be returned upon completion of the teleservice assignment, unless other arrangements have been made.
c. [NAME OF CORPS/ORGANIZATION] accepts no responsibility for damage or repairs to member-owned equipment used during teleservice.
d. If teleservice will take place in a member’s home, the member will establish an appropriate work environment for service purposes. [NAME OF CORPS/ORGANIZATION] and/or the service site will not be responsible for costs associated with initial setup of the member’s home office such as remodeling, furniture or lighting, nor for repairs or modifications to the home office space. AmeriCorps members will be offered appropriate assistance in setting up a workstation designed for safe, comfortable service.
VI. Expectations
a. Expectations during the period of teleservice (including assignments, schedule, communication requirements, and deliverables) should be documented by agreement between the member and the [ROLE(s)].
b. The [ROLE(S)] will determine the appropriate method(s) to verify completion of activities assigned during the period of teleservice. Hours documented on the member’s timesheet shall be verified by the [ROLE(s)] prior to approval.
c. Members will be expected to ensure the protection of any equipment and proprietary company/client/customer information that is accessible from their remote service location. This may include, but shall not be limited to, the use of locked file cabinets, external hard drives, regular password maintenance, and any other steps appropriate for the service activity and the environment.
d. The AmeriCorps member, [ROLE], and [ROLE] will agree on the teleservice schedule that the member will customarily maintain, the manner and frequency of communication, and the expected deliverables/activities. The AmeriCorps member agrees to be accessible by phone and/or e-mail during the hours in the agreed upon work schedule.
e. Prior to acceptance of a teleservice agreement, the [ROLE(S)] and the member will discuss the appropriate level of communication desired between the member and their supervisor. The member and the supervisor will communicate at a level consistent with AmeriCorps members serving on site or in a manner and frequency that is appropriate for the service and the individuals involved.
f. The availability of teleservice as a flexible service arrangement for AmeriCorps members at [NAME OF CORPS/ ORGANIZATION] can be discontinued at any time at the discretion of the program or the member.
Adopted: [DATE]