Created by: Candace Hollingsworth
Modified on: November 11, 2022
Modified on: November 11, 2022
To create an eGrants user account, go to https://www.nationalservice.gov/grants-funding/funding-resources/egrants
Note: Go to the Tools Menu and make sure your pop-up blocker is turned “off” as you will need a secondary window to
For security purposes, your password must meet certain criteria (see below).
The password must meet the following requirements
- Must be at least 12 characters long
- Must contain at least one numeric digit
- Must contain at least one special character (i.e. ” # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , – . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _
` { | } ~!) - Must contain both upper and lower case letters
- Must not repeat any of your previous passwords
- Must not contain your username
The following guidelines will be displayed on the screen in the password complexity rules section.
- Should not contain a dictionary word
- Should not contain any proper noun or the name of any person, pet, child, fictional character, or any
- Information that could be readily guessed about you (birth date, telephone number, employee number, SSN, etc.)”
- Should not contain any simple pattern of letters or numbers, such as “xyz123″ or which are easy to type
Additional password complexity rules requirements.
(Note: These rules will not be visible for a user and will be implemented on the back end)
- The password configuration will not allow a password being reused for at least 24 changes
- Password age policy requirement. The system will not allow a user to change a “user-created” password within 24
hours of the original “user-created” password creation time (i.e., minimum password age must be at least 1 day.
For ex., if a use creates a password at 3 pm on Monday, a user will not be allowed to change it until 3 pm of
the following day) - The system will allow a user to request only one temporary password per day
eGrants Help Desk Information
Phone: 1-800-942-2677
Online: National Service Hotline
Hours of Operation: Monday through Thursday: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern Time.
(Only open on Fridays in January, and May through September: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern Time.)
To use the portal, users must have an eGrants account.
Create this account by going to https://egrants.cns.gov
To access your Operating Site(s) specifically for The Corps Network’s grants follow the guidance below:
Choose “Create a Grantee Account”
Then “This is my first time…”
Complete the required fields on this page, then click “next.”
Accept and click “next”. You must click on “System Rules of Behavior” before you can
Enter this EIN to access your grants with The Corps Network: 521480202
Select “The Corps Network – Washington, DC”. Do not change or otherwise edit any information in the “Organization” section. You may only edit your personal information.
Click “Next”.
The Corps Network’s information will be shown on the next screen. This is correct. Click “Next”.
This Indirect Cost Rate page does not apply to your organization. Do not do anything on this page. Click “Next”.
Add your work phone number then click “Next”.
Review and click “Submit.”
The organization information should be The Corps Network and the Indirect Cost Rate section should be blank.
If you successfully completed an eGrants account under The Corps Network, you will see this Thank You screen.
New users and TCN staff receive an email once the account is created. TCN will also receive that email and will assign
you “user role/permissions” so the “user” can enroll members, manage their records, approve their forms and exit them
from eGrants.
If a Corps has more than one TCN grant or Operating Site you MUST contact TCN in advance to let them know the Operating
Site(s) to which this person should be assigned. All staff are given recruiter status.