Created by: Candace Hollingsworth
Modified on: November 11, 2022
Common Problems to Avoid
Member eligibility is not documented in Member File
- No proof of citizenship or permanent resident alien status.*
- No proof of age.
- No Social Security Card provided.*
- No government issued ID
- If under 17, no parental consent forms submitted to participate.
- NSOPW check is not done BEFORE considering member for service.
- Initiation of State/FBI checks not done before the member’s start date.*only required to be kept in the member’s file if these cannot be verified upon enrollment and must be sent through a secure link to the Hotline for verification.
Living Allowance is not paid correctly (not allowed)
- Members receive lump sums if they start after the term begins or complete their hours before the term ends.
- Members receive balance of living allowance if they complete their hours prior to the term end date on their Member Service Agreement.
- The living allowance is paid for hours served before the member signs the contract or is enrolled in the Portal.
- Living allowance is paid before budget period starts.
- Living allowance paid hourly (if no waiver is granted).
- Living allowance is paid based on days worked during pay period.
The education award is not supported by the timesheets
- The hours on the Exit Form and/or End of Term Evaluation Form don’t match the hours on the timesheets.
- Service and Education/Training hours are not separated.
- Timesheet hours do not total the minimum required to earn the education award.
- Timesheets are missing.
- Timesheets are not signed by the member and/or supervisor and no validation form is in file.
- Leave hours or holidays (if members are off) are counted towards total term hours.
- ½ hour lunch or other non-allowable activity is counted towards the total term hours.
Compelling personal circumstances is not documented
- Partial Award is not in the member’s file.
- End of Term Evaluation form or member file does not fully explain the compelling personal circumstance that led to a pro-rated education award.
- The program has allowed the member to exit with a pro-rated award to go back to school or other issue not allowed per guidance.