Created by: Candace Hollingsworth
Modified on: November 11, 2022
Modified on: November 11, 2022
Alternate Service Request for COVID 19
The Corporation for National and Community Service has authorized programs to request approval for alternative service activities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants in The Corps Network’s AmeriCorps programs should submit their requests for alternative service activities to Leslie Wilkoff (EAP) or Candace Hollingsworth (OYSI and TIP).
The following provides some guidelines for sites to help expedite requests.
When requesting alternative service activities, please provide the following:
- Name of Corps;
- Grant Program (EAP, OYSI, and/or TIP)
- Number of members and MSY completing the alternative service activities for each grant program;
- The following statement on supervision—
Depending on the service activity and individual program policies, supervision may include traditional on-site supervisor for activities that take place in current service site, but lie outside of the normal service activities; program staff weekly check-ins via phone, email or video for community organization based service. Every member’s service will be supervised in some form.
It is also recommended that you develop some internal measures to track while conducting alternative service activities. This will allow your Corps to point to specific achievements in the event your usual performance measures are low or unmet. (Example: We did not treat/improve 10 acres of public lands as planned, but instead we delivered meals to 400 families in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.)
Based on requests received and submitted to date, the following alternative service activities have a high likelihood of approval.
- Childcare or other support services for first responders
- Create hygiene kits and drop off at a shelter
- Data entry/analysis
- Donating blood
- Emergency and/or disaster response operations (1)
- Facebook or other live educational activities for kids at home
- Food bank/pantry assistance
- Grocery pick-up and/or delivery in local communities
- Meal site and meal prep support for school age children impacted by closures
- Preparation and delivery of activity packages for youth and families in local communities (books, games, toys, etc.)
- Sewing and distributing face masks
- Stocking free little libraries, micro food pantries, etc.
- Support of public health initiatives or county health departments (1)
- Supporting the state’s/city’s call centers (like 311, 211, etc.)
- Teleservice (performing service activities remotely) (2)
- Virtual group meetings on civic reflections and brainstorming on how to serve the community during this crisis
- Wellness checks on vulnerable populations through texts or calls
(1) Programs seeking to conduct this activity should also include with their request a statement describing how the program will ensure that members do not have contact with infected persons.
(2) Programs should also provide a copy of their teleservice policy.