Join the Crew: Inspirational Stories of Young Adults in America’s Service and Conservation Corps, is a new book written by The Corps Network’s Hannah Traverse, Levi Novey, and Mary Ellen Ardouny. Join the Crew features the Corpsmember success stories of over 60 young men and women who served in Corps programs throughout the country. Follow the links below to learn more about the book.
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Article on Huffington Post Books Section
After dropping out of high school his junior year, Luis Gaeta of Fresno, California quickly realized that the working world can be a harsh place for a young person without marketable skills or a diploma. At the age of 19, he was already burnt out from the stress of juggling three part-time jobs. To make matters worse, Luis also had to deal with an unreliable car and insecure housing. With a child on the way, Luis knew he could not maintain such a hectic lifestyle, but he didn’t know where to turn. Read More…
Book Press Release
WASHINGTON – Everyone who has ever participated in one of America’s Service and Conservation Corps has a story to tell. Each year, over 27,000 teens and young adults across the country join Corps as a way to gain job skills through participating in service projects that range from collecting recyclables, to tutoring kids, to fighting forest fires. Now, in Join the Crew – a new book by The Corps Network – you can read about over 60 current and former Corpsmembers who experienced adventure and personal growth through their service in Corps programs. Join the Crew is the perfect tool for people who are interested in enrolling in a Corps and want to get a better idea of what service in a Corps program is all about. Read more…
Join the Crew Press Packet, Sample Story