Rocky Mountain Conservancy
48 Alpine Circle P.O. Box 3100
PO Box 3100
Estes Park, Colorado
AmeriCorps Crew Leader
Actively Recruiting: Yes
Position title: AmeriCorps Crew Leader
Type of Position: Crew Leader
Town, City, Park, etc: Estes Park
State / Territory: Colorado
Benefits: Education Award, Housing – Primarily Camping, Meals/Food Assistance, Public Land Corps Hiring Authority
Project/Program Focus: Climate Change, Data Collection, Habitat Restoration, Herbicide Application, Historic Preservation, Trails
Attachments/Supplemental Materials:
The Rocky Mountain Conservancy Operates interpretive sales at partner locations throughout Colorado and Wyoming, including within Rocky Mountain National Park, returning a percentage of revenue to the host public land site as direct aid. Go shopping >
Conducts Rocky Mountain Field Institute programs, which provides hand-on learning experiences for people seeking in-depth contact with recognized experts in diverse environmental fields.
Develops award-winning interpretive publications that offer natural and cultural history education about the Conservancy’s public lands partners.
Through the endowed Justine and Leslie Fidel Bailey Fellowship, supports graduate-level research in Rocky Mountain National Park that is accessible to the public.
Runs the Rocky Mountain Conservancy – Conservation Corps, offering 24-36 youth the chance to explore conservation careers through a summer of on-the-ground work and education in Rocky Mountain National Park and the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest.
Offers Membership in the organization, which supports the Conservancy’s overall efforts and connects people to the organization and its partners.
Manages the Rocky Mountain National Park Fund, (formerly the Rocky Mountain National Park Associates) which provides philanthropic support for projects in Rocky Mountain National Park. Priority areas include: Land Protection, Capital Construction, Historical Preservation, Trails and Education, including the Next Generation Fund.
Partners with other agencies, including Colorado State Parks, U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management sites to enhance educational sales and provide funding to support their unique educational goals.
Location: This is a residential program; participants will be camping throughout the summer in front-country campgrounds (water, toilets, etc.). In some instances, crews will have bunkhouses provided by the US Forest Service or National Park Service. Depending on crew location, crews may spend anywhere from 30% to 100% of their season living in tents. Please note certain activities such as food shopping, meal prep, eating meals, cleaning your bunk/tent/room, and evening activities do not count toward your term hours.
Crews work in the following locations:
- Rocky Mountain National Park (Estes Park area, or Grand Lake area)
- Arapaho National Forests (Sulphur Ranger District)
- Roosevelt National Forest (Boulder and Canyon Lakes Ranger Districts)
Position Summary: The Crew Leader position is integral to the Rocky Mountain Conservancy AmeriCorps Conservation Corps. The Crew Leader helps accomplish the Conservancy’s goals of completing conservation projects, supporting crew members’ development of personal and professional skills, working directly with agency partners, and fostering a conservation ethic amongst the crews. Crew locations vary throughout Northern Colorado. Service will involve extensive periods of camping. Projects can include, but are not limited to, trail maintenance and construction, vegetation management, wildfire mitigation, habitat restoration, historic structure stabilization and restoration, and basic carpentry. Projects are completed alongside the National Park Service and USDA Forest Service staff, along with occasional interaction with several local nonprofits.
The Crew Leader leads a crew of 4 to 7 Crew Members and is responsible for the crew’s service and safety during each project. The Crew Leader and Crew Members are supervised by the Field Coordinators and Field Manager. The Agency Partner’s responsibility is largely project-focused. The Crew Leader Manages their crew. Additionally, the crew leader is responsible for monitoring the crew’s use of meal funds throughout the season ($10/person/day while working), and submitting receipts for use of that card.
Position Responsibilities and Tasks:
Crew Leaders must:
- Actively participate in technical and personal skills training, strive to develop these skills in the field, and serve as a resource to mentor members
- Set goals with the Field Coordinator, participate in personal development, receive feedback on performance, and adjust accordingly
- Support training and educational activities by facilitating learning opportunities
- Help lead and assist with Corps-wide training and education week programs
- Coordinate and fully contribute to service projects to the best of their ability
- Must serve safely, effectively, and efficiently to ensure that projects are completed to the satisfaction of project hosts
- Foster a positive crew dynamic and help mediate conflict among crew members
- Foster personal development of crew members through goal setting and performance reviews, lead debriefs to build positive crew dynamic
- Must be able to provide emotional support to members (within reason), and facilitate constructive conversations around mental health
- Communicate effectively with crew members, program staff, and agency liaisons
- Organize crew gear, tools, and work supplies throughout the season
- Be always on duty/on-call and after work hours to assist in case of an emergency
- Must complete and return all administrative forms and tasks (timesheets, project accomplishments, incident reports, meal receipts) promptly
Leaders are expected to serve a minimum of 450 hours and complete the entire service term per the start and end dates listed on the Member Service Agreement. Due to the brevity of the position, no vacation, sick leave, or personal time is granted. Each day of service, training, or education, members will take a required ½ hour lunch that does not count towards term of service hours.
I. To actively participate and support training to help facilitate learning opportunities for members, Crew Leaders must:
- Attend all provided training and orientation activities
- Be prepared to take notes, complete assigned tasks, and actively participate in interactive sessions
- Attentively listen to and demonstrate respect towards presenters
- Prepare lesson plans for training on LNT, backcountry preparedness, camp cooking, and situational awareness for their crew
- Identify goals and pursue achieving them throughout the season
- Help crew members achieve their goals throughout the season
- Facilitate the “Crew Leader of the Week” experience for crew members to practice leadership
II. To plan and fully contribute to service projects and provide a safe work environment, Crew Leaders must:
- Meet with the crew at the predetermined time set by the agency to discuss daily plans and assign tasks, starting service on time
- Manage crew time and breaks throughout the day
- Plan daily project schedules to maximize productivity, safety, and crew efficiency, in consultation with agency staff
- Coordinate tools, equipment, and materials for service Load vehicles properly. Do not leave needed tools behind and do not leave tools at the service site unless specified by the agency partner
- Assist with on-site skills training for project-related work
- Meet with agency staff to review project expectations
- Monitor project progress and model a strong work ethic for crew members
- Complete a vehicle safety check each day (“walk around”)
- Complete daily work reports on at least a weekly basis
- Comply with Conservancy and agency safety protocols during project work by ensuring crew members are using tools properly, wearing required PPE, and managing their personal health
- Conduct morning stretch and safety talks daily to review job and environmental hazards
- Submit receipts on a weekly basis, and manage crew food funds.
III. To foster a strong crew dynamic and mitigate conflict among crew members, Crew Leaders must:
- Address and strive to resolve crew conflicts or personal member issues informally through individual or group If conflicts cannot be resolved or are policy violations requiring disciplinary action, contact the Field Coordinator or Field Manager
- Host daily debriefs to review successes, lessons learned, and areas of improvement for future days
- Facilitate off-duty crew activities (i.e., crew dinners, hikes, teambuilding activities), but encourage alone/personal/reflective time when necessary
- Maintain strong one-on-one communication with individual crew members through weekly informal conversations about progress towards goals, experience working, and any concerns
- Prioritize fostering a positive learning experience for crew members
IV. Communicate effectively with program staff and agency liaisons, Crew Leaders must:
- Provide work and crew updates weekly to the Field Manager
- Communicate in an efficient and timely manner with agency staff and Stewardship Director or Field Manager regarding project needs, schedule changes, vehicle incidents, and housing concerns
- Relay necessary information from agency partners to Field Coordinators and Field Manager
- Inform the Field Manager of any interpersonal or work-related issues on the crew
- Receive feedback constructively regarding project outcomes and crew progress
- Must be a US Citizen, US National, or Lawful Permanent Resident of the US
- Must pass the National Sex Offender Public Registry and applicable State and Federal background checks
- Must complete physician’s review
- Be between 18-30 years old
- Strong prioritization of safety for oneself and others. This includes but is not limited to knowing your physical limits to reduce strains and sprains, using caution when lifting and using team lifts when possible, being aware of your surroundings, and careful foot placement when walking on uneven ground.
- Demonstration and continued respect of RMC property including but not limited to RMC vehicles, equipment, etc.
Dani Woods