Picture taken from the Rocky Mountain Youth Corps Facebook page: RMYC members visiting the American YouthWorks Corps in Austin, Texas
Austin’s American YouthWorks’ Texas Conservation Corps program is hosting a youth crew from Taos, New Mexico at Bastrop State Park this week.
(Press Release from American YouthWorks – November 7, 2012)
Austin, TX – Austin’s American YouthWorks’ Texas Conservation Corps program is participating in an exchange that brings youth from Taos’ Rocky Mountain Youth Corps program to Bastrop State Park for a week of work rebuilding the park’s trails. As the first part of the exchange, the Texas crew worked in the Carson National Forest near Taos, NM last month.
The Texas program has been working hard for one year to bring the central Texas State Park back to it’s former glory after last year’s Labor Day fire. They have rebuilt trails, felled hazard trees, protected park culverts and other infrastructure from flood damage, managed volunteer days, and fashioned the park’s drought and fire killed trees into new park footbridges. The crew is a part of American YouthWork’s Texas Conservation Corps. There are similar Conservation Corps programs nationwide, especially across the American West, and many of them get together to share best practices. During one of these sessions, the idea for a crew exchange was born. The American YouthWorks team travelled to Taos on October 21st to spend a week of sub-freezing nights in the mountains of northern New Mexico. They worked as a chainsaw crew alongside the Taos-based Rocky Mountain Youth Corps on a hazard and diseased tree thinning project in a mixed conifer forest in the Carson National Forest.
On Monday, November 5 the Rocky Mountain Youth Corps crew travelled to Bastrop State Park and joined the American YouthWorks crew to complete additional trail work for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department at Bastrop State Park. They will be working on reconstruction of trail footbridges that were lost in the fire. At the end of their week, they will also spend Saturday with the Travis County Audubon Society installing hundreds of new native plants in east Austin’s Blair Woods Preserve.
- Chris Sheffield (512) 970-7684 or csheffield@americanyouthworks.org
- Megan Helton, Bastrop Field Coordinator (512) 438-9972 or mhelton@americanyouthworks.org