As participants in the Crowdrise Holiday Challenge, The Corps Network greatly appreciates your donation to support our work cultivating the “Next Greatest Generation” of Americans. Each week, we will highlight some of our 2013 accomplishments. This week we will focus on our workforce development initiatives.
Continuing the legacy of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps, established 80 years ago, Corps develop the next generation of conservation and community leaders by engaging young people in educational opportunities and service projects that improve communities and help Corpsmembers build valuable job skills.
To bring greater attention to the efforts of these important job training and environmental conservation programs, in 2013 The Corps Network and our partners worked to create and launch a powerful 21st Century Conservation Service Corps (21CSC). The goal of the 21CSC is to put thousands of America’s young people and veterans to work protecting, restoring, and enhancing America’s great outdoors. We know the 21CSC has great potential. We will continue working on behalf of our members and America’s youth to make sure this initiative successfully engages as many young people as possible in conservation and service projects.
In 2013, Corps programs in The Corps Network have collectively:
* Created, improved or maintained 25,000 miles of waterways and trails
* Improved or restored nearly 200,000 acres of public lands
* Completed over 600,000 volunteer hours
The Corps Network is working to establish new partnerships that will strengthen and nurture new Corps programs and provide support to the Corps we already serve. We have continued our work with the National Association of Workforce Boards and are identifying more opportunities for local workforce investment boards to partner with Corps, thus establishing strong career pipelines for Corpsmembers.
We are proud to announce a new partnership with the Trust for Historic Preservation. The goal of this partnership is to establish HOPE crews (Hands-On Project Experience) that will match young people with historic preservation professionals, giving Corpsmembers the chance to gain experience in this growing line of work.
Thanks to a planning grant from the Walton Family Foundation, The Corps Network is exploring the possibility of establishing a Gulf Coast Restoration Corps that would be focused on accessing restitution funds from the BP Oil Spill to provide youth with jobs and workforce training that helps restore Gulf Coast ecosystems.
As a final 2013 highlight for this week, The Corps Network has established and launched a revamped accreditation program for Corps. This process will help continuously improve the programming of Corps by facilitating the sharing of best practices and fortifying the quality of our programs in the eyes of our partners and supporters.
We would love your help to continue working on behalf of The Corps Movement! We hope you choose to Channel Your Inner Santa and give to The Corps Network.
The Corps Network