On September 22nd, at the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual conference, President Bill Clinton announced a $3 million commitment to the Serve a Year Campaign. The campaign – which is led by ServiceNation and partners representing all of the country’s leading national service organizations, including The Corps Network – is focused on working with leaders in the entertainment industry to raise awareness about national service through incorporating programs like AmeriCorps into TV shows, movies and other pop culture outlets.
Press release from ServiceNation
September 22, 2014
Tim Smith, Director of Online Engagement, Service Nation
Chelsea Clinton, President Clinton, ServiceNation Announce Commitment to Reach Millions of Americans Through Serve A Year Campaign
Comcast and NBCUniversal, Airbnb, & Philanthropists Jonathan and Jeanne Lavine and Josh and Anita Bekenstein Commit Over $3 MM in support of campaign led by ServiceNation
New York, NY – Today, at the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual conference, President Bill Clinton announced a $3 million commitment to the Serve a Year Campaign. The Campaign, led by the grassroots advocacy organization ServiceNation, will work with leaders in the entertainment industry to popularize the idea of national service by integrating programs like AmeriCorps into television and movie scripts, as well as content created by cutting-edge online and social media artists.
“If more young people participated in full time service programs like AmeriCorps, it would have a transformative impact on our country,” said Chelsea Clinton, Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation. “Through our work with the National Service Alliance, we seek to accomplish just that. We have proven time and again that we are stronger when we work together and by giving more Americans the opportunity to come together in service, we make our nation stronger.”
Building on more than 20 years of support for national service, philanthropists Jonathan and Jeannie Lavine and Josh and Anita Bekenstein have each committed $1 million to this effort. Longtime supporters of Service Year organizations, they are excited about a new future for this movement.
“We strongly support the idea of a Service Year,” said Jonathan Lavine. “We believe that ServiceNation’s cultural campaign will have a powerful impact on establishing a year of service as a common opportunity and expectation for a new generation that is ready serve.”
President Clinton also announced a number of ambitious goals and grants that will promote and strengthen national service programs. Those include:
Developing 30,000 new national service positions by 2017
Working with institutions of higher education and establishing a new “Employers of Service” program
New partnerships and commitments from major companies like Airbnb, Cisco, the Lumina Foundation, Comcast and NBCUniversal
The creation of the National Service Alliance – a group consisting of ServiceNation, Voices for National Service, National Conference on Citizenship, and The Franklin Project at the Aspen Institute – that will be responsible for fulfilling the commitments.
“Enriching the neighborhoods we serve is at the core of Airbnb’s mission, and we are thrilled to support national service and AmeriCorps members in their commitment to give back,” said Joe Gebbia, co-founder and Chief Product Officer of Airbnb. “Airbnb’s partnership with the Clinton Foundation and ServiceNation will help provide new service corps members with a place to call home as they embark on their year of service to strengthen America’s cities and communities.”
“Our nation faces immense challenges, and we know that there is no better way to tackle them than by encouraging young people to dedicate a Service Year in their communities,” said Zach Maurin, Executive Director of ServiceNation. “We also know that the millennial generation wants to serve if they are given the right information and opportunities. With the support of partners like Airbnb and Comcast and NBCUniversal, we can effectively reach this generation and connect them to the opportunities they so desperately want.”
Airbnb, the global hospitality company, will support this initiative by donating accommodations and support for approximately 1,000 AmeriCorps members during their transition to new cities for their Service year. Comcast Corporation will commit $1 million in airtime to promote the Serve A Year Campaign.
“Comcast and NBCUniversal have been proud to support ServiceNation and the idea of a Service Year for many years,” said Charisse R. Lillie, Vice President of Community Investment at Comcast Corporation and President of the Comcast Foundation. “As a company uniquely positioned to inform, empower and inspire, we are excited to leverage our assets to support this bold new plan through our many platforms. Together, we will reach a new generation ready to serve.”