From the AmeriCorps Facebook page
On September 21, 1993, President Bill Clinton signed the National Service Bill on the South Lawn of the White House, creating AmeriCorps. Twenty years later, AmeriCorps is still going strong and continues to draw record numbers of applications year after year. Last week, people across the country celebrated AmeriCorps’ 20th Anniversary and discussed the impact and future of the program. Here are a few highlights.
Video from the 20th Anniversary Celebration at the Mellon Auditorium in Washington, DC
Huffington Post op-ed by Wendy Spencer, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service
Is it possible to effectively harness youthful enthusiasm and idealism and turn it into it a renewable resource for good? We think so. Twenty years ago, President Clinton signed a bill that created AmeriCorps and gave our country a new outlet for national service that did just that.
From its modest beginnings, AmeriCorps has grown to annually engage nearly 80,000 Americans who dedicate a year of their lives to serving in communities large, small and everything in between. And this is meaningful service that helps solve some of the most difficult challenges our nation faces…keep reading.
Chigcago Tribune op-ed by Bill and Chelsea Clinton
The idea of community service is as old as America itself. Older really. Benjamin Franklin helped form the first volunteer fire department in Philadelphia in 1736, spawning a movement that continues to this day in communities throughout the country. Alexis de Tocqueville, in the 1830s, contrasted America with his native Europe by saying that the central difference was that in America, people didn’t wait for the state to solve problems. They just got organized and tried to figure out what to do about them. Service is at the core of our national character…keep reading.
From The Corps Network’s Facebook page
This morning at the big AmeriCorps 20th Anniversary celebration in Washington, D.C., Wendy Spencer, the Corporation for National & Community Service’s CEO, presented Washington Conservation Corps with a Service Impact Award for their disaster services work. The event program notes the Corps’ participation in response to disasters nationwide, including Hurricane Katrina, the Joplin and Missouri tornadoes, wildfires in Eastern Washington, and Hurricane Sandy. In total they have logged over 38,000 hours in response efforts. Wait to go Washington Conservation Corps! Several other Corps got airtime during the celebration, including Civic Worksby Representative John Sarbanes, and Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa was shown for their own disaster relief efforts in a photo.